On Sun, 2001-09-09 at 15:08, Dean Henrichsmeyer wrote:
> Hello,
>       I have vpopmail-5.0pre5 installed. When I go to compile 
> courier-IMAP-1.3.10, it looks for -lvpopmail during compile. I've not 
> seen anything that ld should look at to allow for this. Am I missing 
> something simple?
> Thanks,
> Dean

I think we are going to get alot of these questions.

courier-imap wants to be configured as non-root. And for
security reasons vpopmail 5.0 only lets root access the
library directory.

I see two solutions:

1) remove the root only access to vpopmail library

2) Put in a HIGHLY visiable FAQ for courier-imap configure/make
   and possibly include a vpopmail section in courier-imap's 
   next release.

If we do 1) we won't get these couerier-imap questions, but
security won't be as tight. If we do 2) we will still get
emails like this.

I thought changing the permissions on vpopmail/lib directory
would cause problems, that's why I was against it. But it
seems security is of higher concern.

What do you folks think? Should we keep the restricted
permissions or open them up? 5.0 is going out today, so
comments are welcome today :)

Ken Jones

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