Hi Brett,

This came up a couple of weeks ago..  and I saved it as I am looking at 
doing the same thing:

Hi Clayton,
On 2002.08.19_10:18:35_+0000, Clayton Weise wrote:
 > I know that I could just change the value in pw_gid to make it this way.
 > But I was curious if there was a way to do this by default.
 > Normally when a domain is created with vpopmail it assumes the postmaster@
 > account as the administrative account. I was wondering if I could change
 > this default behavior to use say.. webmaster@ instead. I know I could go
 > through and run an update query on my database to convert the current users
 > over to something like that but I wanted to change it when creating new
 > accounts as well. Is there a configure switch for something like this that
 > I've missed? Or, if not, what files should I start looking at changing.
I am afraid there is no way to grant any user administrator privileges
on creation of domain. But below will do the trick:
$ ./vaddomain example.com password
$ ./vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED] anotherpassword
$ ./vmoduser -a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and the optional
$ ./vdeluser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Having postmaster available on one domain is a good thing though, since
many people wish to contact a person on a domain through postmaster@.
 > -Clayton
H. D. Lee

Hopefully it helps..


>I'm sure this has already been asked and answered, so if someone could just
>send me a link or something that would be great.
>I would like have the postmaster account operate the same way but under a
>different name i.e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>. How would this be done?
>Thanks all

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