
I have now installed vpopmail with mysql support from scratch and followed a
very good guide
and it works super nice.

But now i´m trying to install the qmailadmin but under the configure process
it says

cat: /home/vpopmail/etc/inc_deps: No such file or directory
cat: /home/vpopmail/etc/lib_deps: No such file or directory

i configure with these options

./configure --enable-htmldir=/var/www/htdocs --enable-cgibindir=/var/www/cgi
-bin --enable-maxusersperpage=12 --enable-ma
xaliasesperpage=12 --enable-no-cache=y --enable-ezmlmdir=none --enable-vpopu
ser=vpopmail --enable-vpopgroup=vchkpw

and when i try to compile i get errors like

gcc -I.       -g -O2 -c qmailadmin.c
qmailadmin.c:29: vpopmail.h: No such file or directory
qmailadmin.c:30: vauth.h: No such file or directory

i have searched tha archives but haven´t found a solution yet.. someone who
has these files or knows how to
correct these errors ?

Regards Tobias

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