hmm, I had read that it was seconds however it is in fact less.
I know setting it to 1 is long enough for it to make the connection even
under moderate load on our 100mb/cisco lan, and I deleted the mysql
source because I'm stressed for disk space on my laptop, when I get a
chance I will investigate further, corporate programming has a tendancy
to reduce the priority on cleanup once you have it working.

I don't know if its desirable to set that on the other connections, are
they for adds/deletes? if so its hardly service impacting for them not
to timeout timely.


btw, I apologise for our little problem a few months back on the qmail
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003 10:50:29 -0500
Ken Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Done.
> I also added it to the other mysql connect calls (2 others).
> Is the timeout value in seconds? Maybe we should give it
> more than 1 second to connect. Perhaps 3?
> Ken Jones
> On Wednesday 04 June 2003 10:01 am, matthew berardi wrote:
> > I don't know how many people would desire this behaviour. but I
> > think it should be considered.
> >
> > in vmysql.c I added the following lines to vauth_open_update()
> >
> > uint timeout = 1;
> > mysql_options(&mysql_update, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (char*)
> > &timeout);
> >
> > this adds a timeout to the mysql_real_connect method.
> > without this libmysqlclient uses the standard connect() to connect
> > which, under heavy load, can take minutes to timeout, the effect is
> > that if the update server was to become unavailable your pop
> > concurency would max out very quickly, effectively a loss of
> > service.
> >
> > also you would want to remove the error lines:
> >
> > fprintf(stderr, "could not connect to mysql update server %s with
> > database\n", mysql_error(&mysql_update));
> >
> > and
> >
> > fprintf(stderr, "could not connect to mysql update server %s\n",
> >               mysql_error(&mysql_update));
> >
> > because some pop clients break if they receive anything other than
> > the ok after auth.

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