
> > Error: No such object
> > matched DN: "ou=people,dc=koal,dc=com"
> > -ERR authorization  failed
> This is a querry to user: "ou=people,dc=koal,dc=com"
> But as you now know this your Basedn and not a valid user.

i know what you mean is that the query is executed by the "ou=people,dc=koal,dc=com" ,while it should be the "uid=xxxx, ou=test.com,ou=people,dc=koal,dc=com" ?   if so, how i can control which  type dn  query is executed?

and i remember that in the README.ldap in vpopmail, it tell me that modify slapd.conf  like:
suffix      "o=vpop"
rootdn      "cn=Manager, o=vpop"
is it necessary?  if i use this default settings for my slapd.conf, what's the influence?

and i think the dn that i have in my openldap now seems a little strange:  "uid=test, ou=test.com, ou=people, dc=koal, dc=com" ,
maybe the dn like this " uid=test, ou=people, dc=koal, dc=com" or "uid=test, dc=koal, dc=com"  seems more common.  but if we set up the basedn" dc=koal,dc=com",  and add the virtual domain through vadddomain and add user through vadduser,  then the dn like this "uid=test, ou=test.com, ou=people, dc=koal, dc=com" is unavoidable,  is there any way to avoid this ?  i am not familiar with ldap ,  :-(,  thank you for your help.

2. add user through qmailadmin ,it always report:  Email Account [EMAIL PROTECTED] (test1) could not be added, but this user actually has been added ,and its entry in ldap has also been added. 
  i have recomiled the qmailadmin, and upgrade my qmailadmin-1.0.6 to 1.0.20, but this strange situation remains..........

  BTW:  if i modify the core.schema,  error like below occurs when start slapd:
    /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema: line 381: AttributeType not found: "mail"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jens Jahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lixiang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] RE:Re: [vchkpw] error: segmentation fault and unable to chdir vpopmail/users directory

> Zitat von lixiang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi lixiang,
> >     i used your qmailUser.schema;  but make no modification for my
> > core.schema, because the modification you provide make the attributetype
> > error when start slapd. and because i have had the dc=koal,dc=com entry, so
> > my dn.ldif is :

> >   dn:ou=people,dc=xxxx,dc=cn
> >   objectclass: organizationalUnit
> >   ou:people
> Ok, look here:
> Each entry you add is now a subtree vom "ou=people,dc=xxxx,dc=cn"
> So your domains will be stored:
> "ou=test1.com,ou=people,dc=xxxx,dc=cn"
> "ou=bla.com,ou=people,dc=xxxx,dc=cn"
> etc.
> Your users will have entries like:
> "uid=user1,ou=test1.com,ou=people,dc=xxxx,dc=cn"
> "uid=user567,ou=test1.com,ou=people,dc=xxxx,dc=cn"
> etc.
> Your basedn is
> "ou=people,dc=xxxx,dc=cn"
> So you might use vckpw to auth your users!
> See the problem you have ?
> > Error: No such object
> > matched DN: "ou=people,dc=koal,dc=com"
> > -ERR authorization  failed
> This is a querry to user: "ou=people,dc=koal,dc=com"
> But as you now know this your Basedn and not a valid user.
> Everytime you recompile vpopmail, you have to recompile qmailadmin, because it
> is limked against libvpopmail.a !!!!
> So try your commandline tools:
> - vaddomain
> - vadduser
> - vmoduser
> - vdeluser
> If they work, then try to recompile qmailadmin.
> You should have a base user call postmaster, which has been setup on adding the
> domain.
> Get a ldapbrowser like "gq", connect to your ldapserver and you should see
> something like
>      dc=koal,dc=com
>       |
>        ->ou=people
>           |
>            -> ou=test1.com
>                |
>                 ->uid=postmaster
>                 ->uid=user1
>                 ->uid=user156
> BTW: I wonder that modifiying you core.schema results in an error, because I
> just changed a "must"-flag to a "may"-flag.
> Best regards
> Jens
> >
> > ldapadd succeed.  and now i add/delete  domain or users is indeed successful
> > in command line. :-)  but i still have 2 problems:
> >
> > 1. add user through qmailadmin ,it always report:  Email Account
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (test1) could not be added, but this user actually has been
> > added ,and its entry in ldap has also been added. 
> >
> > 2. i test the send/receive email through OE client and " telnet
> > email-servers'ip 110" , the authentication always error:
> >
> > Error: No such object
> > matched DN: "ou=people,dc=koal,dc=com"
> > -ERR authorization  failed
> >
> > i ensure the password is correct for that user.
> >
> --
> Jens Jahr

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