Quoting Doug Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 09:17:48PM -0700, Tim Hasson wrote:
> > 1. Maildir++ doesn't work on NFS, or at least has serious issues with it,
> thus 
> > breaking the whole quota support thing.
> Works great here. What problems are you seeing?

Please see my previous post (few hours ago): 
Re: Quota problem: negative values in Maildir/maildirsize


> > 2. Because of default permissions on the domains folder, I cannot add new 
> > domains with a different system uid, vadddomain fails with permission
> denied. 
> > Well of course, you drop to user-uid, try to chdir into ~vpopmaildomains
> which 
> > is chown vpopmail, chgrp vchkpw, chmod 700, and it will fail.
> Are you adding them as root? I don't personally use system quotas with
> vpopmail, but I know I've seen other people talking on list about them, so I
> know they work. Did you check the archives on how to set it up? What
> documentation are you following for system quota setup?
> > So the whole issue is a standard issue. Qmail/Maildir are designed to run
> on 
> > NFS. Why is vpopmail deviating from the standard?
> Again, it runs fine on NFS here.
> --Doug

daemon1# grep /data1 /etc/fstab
terra:/data1            /data1          nfs     rw              0       0

daemon1# pwd

daemon1# ll
drwx------  23 vpopmail vchkpw       4096 Sep 15 22:44 domains

daemon1# ll /home/vpopmail/
total 10
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail vchkpw        512 Aug 27 02:02 bin
drwxr-xr-x   4 vpopmail vchkpw        512 Aug 15 18:58 doc
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     wheel          23 Aug 17 01:04 domains -
> /data1/vpopmail/domains
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail vchkpw        512 Sep 16 22:31 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail vchkpw        512 Aug 15 18:58 include
drwx------   2 root     wheel         512 Aug 15 18:58 lib

Note Above: ~vpopmail/domains is a symbolic link to /data1/vpopmail, 
and /data1 is mounted of the nfs server.

daemon1# ./vadddomain
vadddomain: usage: vadddomain [options] virtual_domain [postmaster password]
options: -v prints the version
         -q quota_in_bytes (sets the quota for postmaster account)
         -b (bounces all mail that doesn't match a user, default)
         -e email_address (forwards all non matching user to this address)
         -u user (sets the uid/gid based on a user in /etc/passwd)
         -d dir (sets the dir to use for this domain)
         -i uid (sets the uid to use for this domain)
         -g gid (sets the gid to use for this domain)
         -a sets the account to use APOP, default is POP
         -O optimize adding, for bulk adds set this for all
            except the last one
         -r generate a random password for postmaster

daemon1# id test
uid=2000(test) gid=2000(users) groups=2000(users)

daemon1# ./vadddomain -u test test.com secretpass
Error: Unable to chdir to vpopmail/domains/domain directory

the -d dir flag is really odd. Suppose I did decide to put the domain 
directory under the user's home directory (/home/test/mail/domain.com)

daemon1# ./vadddomain -u test -d /home/test/mail/test.com test.com secretpass
Error: Unable to chdir to vpopmail/domains/domain directory

daemon1# mkdir -p /home/test/mail/test.com
daemon1# chown -R test:users /home/test

daemon1# ./vadddomain -u test -d /home/test/mail/test.com test.com secretpass
daemon1# ls /home/test/mail/test.com
daemon1# ls /home/test/mail/test.com/domains/

This is not quite desirable..

Tim Hasson

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