Hi everybody,

yesterday I asked you if there is a problem in vdelivermail of handling EXITCODEs in 
.qmail files and I discovered that in my installed version 5.2 no checking of the 
EXITCODE was possible.

So I upgraded to the last "stable" version 5.2.1 whereas the changelog said that 
within 5.2.1 the EXITCODE checks would be performed.

Now over the night I discovered that a script started within a .qmail file before the 
deliver-to-Maildir instruction and returns an EXITCODE of 99 or 100 ( which value is 
not important ) the delivery of that mail is interrupted ( not stopped as it sould be 
) BUT the mail stays in the queue and the queue starts delivering mail again and again.
What I´m trying to say is that one single mail has been delivered about 200 times that 
night and everytime the script told vdelivermail to end the delivery and everytime the 
mail stayed within the qmail queue to be delivered some time later.

What I now want to know is if there must be another EXITCODE so that vdelivermail 
definetely kills that mail processing or if this is a bug in vdelivermail and I should 
upgrade to something higher ( i read in the changelog that several fixes to the 
EXITCODE thing have been made in 5.3.x but this versions are to be devel-state and I´m 
wondering if I should use devel-software on a running system.

Thanks for your help!


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