On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 11:28:46PM -0500, Dave Goodrich wrote:
> Hello the list.
> We ahve been using vpopmail for over a year with no problems. We recently
> move to using mysql for auth and I am seeing a strange side effect. New
> users are no longer being created in the directory split but are all going
> to the domain root. We have one domain with 4557 users and since
> converting to mysql the last 177 users have been created in the domain
> root.
> I first thought I had compiled somthing incorrectly but reviewing it
> doesn't seem so. I notice that the dir-control table was not updating when
> new users were added. 
> In fact the largest domain (4558 users) showed a user count of 241378956!
> and never changed. I manually updated the field and now the count is
> correct and raises and lowers as users are added and deleted.
> However new users are still going into the domain root. I've looked
> through the archive and googled several times with no answers.

Current info on my install as follows.

vpopmail version: 5.4.0
MySQL version: 3.23.58

vpopmail configured with:
/configure --enable-tcpserver-file=/shared/qmail/control
--enable-learn-passwords --enable-vpopuser=vpopmail --enable-vpopgrou
p=vchkpw --enable-qmail-ext --enable-incdir=/usr/include/mysql
--enable-libdir=/usr/lib/mysql --enable-clear-password --enable-auth

uname -v :NetBSD 1.6.2 (GENERIC) #0: Wed Feb 11 08:05:11 UTC 2004
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/autobuild/netbsd-1-6-PATCH002/spar


ls -la /home/vpopmail
drwxrwxrwx  10 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Jul 20 05:00 .
drwxrwxrwx   3 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 25 20:25 ..
-rw-------   1 vpopmail  vchkpw  4176 Jun 29 17:18 .bash_history
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw  1536 Jul 20 12:00 bin
drwxr-xr-x   4 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 26 22:11 doc
lrwxr-xr-x   1 vpopmail  vchkpw    25 Mar 27 16:03 domains ->/shared/vpopmail/vdomains
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Jul 19 21:15 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 26 23:46 include
drwxr-xr-x   2 vpopmail  vchkpw   512 Mar 26 23:46 lib

ls -la /shared/vpopmail/vdomains:
drwx------   83 vpopmail  vchkpw     2560 Jul 19 09:49 .
drwx------    5 vpopmail  vchkpw      512 Jul  6 17:05 ..
-rw-------    1 vpopmail  vchkpw       37 Jul 19 09:33 .dir-control
drwx------    8 vpopmail  vchkpw      512 Jul 16 22:52 pixelhammer.com
drwx------  244 vpopmail  vchkpw   254464 Jul 20 12:33 tls.net

mysql (select * from dir_control):
| tls.net         |      4555 |         0 |         3 |            0 |
0 |            0 |         61 |         61 |         61 |          0 |
2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |
| pixelhammer.com |         5 |         0 |         3 |            0 |
0 |            0 |         61 |         61 |         61 |          0 |
2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |
| dom_89          |         0 |         0 |         3 |            0 |
0 |            0 |         61 |         61 |         61 |          0 |
2 |          4 |            0 |            0 |            0 |         |

At this time everything appears to be functioning fine excpet for the
directory splitting and now we have noticed that quotas do not work on
every user, some it does, some do not. To test the qouta issue I actually
sendt mails one at a time until I reached the qouta limit. A new user
responded correctly when the limit was reached, old users do not.

The system was running well, everything appeared to work fine. We moved
the users maildirs to a nfs mounted share, mounted the share on the new
box and did a vconvert. At that point splitting ceased.

I am left hinking I would best off with a fresh clean install and a script
to manually reinstall all users and then move their mail to the new

Any suggestions welcome.


In the beginning was The Word
and The Word was Content-type: text/plain

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