
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 09:45:38 -0600, Matthew Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you /so/ much for this information! I'll be attempting this fix
> over the next hour or two.
> On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 10:10:04 +0200, Linux-Guru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 18. August 2004 23:22 schrieb Matthew Walker:
> > > I saw this was discussed a month or two ago, but no conclusion seemed
> > > to be reached.
> > I have been the one who had this problem.
> > We reached some kind of conclusion (see below).
> >
> > >
> > > I have qmail 1.03, and vpopmail 5.4 installed, and everything works
> > > except for SMTP AUTH. I get segfaults or bad user errors, depending on
> > > whether or not vchkpw is owned by root or by the vpopmail user.
> >
> > I tried also all these combinations with no success.
> >
> > >
> > > Here's a transcript from a session where vchkpw was owned by vpopmail.
> > > When it's owned by root, the last line changes to simply say the
> > > authentication failed.
> > >
> > [...]
> >
> > > 454 oops, problem with child and I can't auth (#4.3.0)
> >
> > Exactly!
> > I wrote a bug-report, but nobody seemed to be interested. (I will have a quick
> > look into the tracker when I've finished this mail, but I don't think
> > anything happened).
> >
> > Erwin Hoffmann ( spent some time looking through the code. His
> > personal summary was that the easiest way would be to rewrite the whole
> > vchkpw because there seems to be quite much unused and/or useless (and
> > buggy(?)) code which makes it really hard to do a debug of this problem.
> >
> > But: We found a workaround!
> > 1. Take vpopmail in any version of your choice, configure, compile and install
> > it.
> > 2. Take vpopmail-5.2.2, configure and compile it. Do NOT install it!
> > 3. Rename your current '/var/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw' in whatever you want.
> > 4. Copy the vchkpw-binary from your vpopmail-5.2.2-directory into
> > '/var/vpopmail/bin/'
> > 5. Test it. See that it works. Have fun.
> > There is only one disadvantage: CRAM-MD5 doesn't work with 5.2.2.
> > Everything else will work fine (I am running it against MySQL without any
> > problems).
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Greetings
> >
> > Tobias
> >

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