> On OpenBSD 3.6,
> with vpopmail-5.4.9, running as root, with ls unaliased,
> a ./configure gives me these two errors:
> I did not see any options in ./configure --help that would appear to
> help in this case.
> Has anyone built this on OpenBSD lately?

Not being a BSD guru myself (I could help on Linux), I offer a question:
are you using vpopmail from ports? Several BSD users in our colo have had
problems with vpopmail from BSD ports. Apparently some odd assumptions are
made in the packages you get that way. If that's the case, you could try
compiling the sources directly (use clean copies from Sourceforge).

Maybe not as much as you were hoping for, but at least it was fast :-)
There is some info in the archives about BSD compile time errors too that
you should probably have a look at.


Waveform Technology
UNIX Systems Administrator

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