Paul Kremer wrote:

Hi all,

I am about to migrate a whole bunch of virtual email domains from an old
host to a new host. Both hosts use the exact same setup, I do not have
any problems using rsync, nor to get UID/GID things right etc.

My problems/constraints sum up as follows:
- both host must stay alive and active during the migration
- both use vpopmail 5.4.10 with MySQL as backend
- virtual domains cannot be migrated all at once (due to Registrar DNS
migration issues)
- i can't just copy/dump the assign file nor the mysql database because
of the 'per-domain' migration

My question is:

Does anyone have a good step-by-step tutorial or experience doing such a
migration in a more or less automated fashion?

thanx in advance,
paul kremer

1 - Add new domain on new server
2 - Add users on new server
3 - Rsync the domain from old to new (remember in step 2 to keep the same dir structure) 4 - Remove domain from virtualdomains and add an entry in smtproutes pointing to the new server on the old server
5 - Rsync again without using the --delete option
6 - Change the MX dns entry (and inform the users to start using the new host for pop and imap).
7 - go to step 1 with a new domain

Automate as you see fit.  You could probably do it all in a php script(s).



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