Title: Ingo Claro

So you say that there is no option to simply switch off local delivery and treat everything as coming from the outside? I guess I have to live with that :)


How would I do the script based idea below realtime based? I mean, each time an email is sent from the smtp.





From: Ingo Claro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 18:12
To: vchkpw@inter7.com
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] Unwanted Local Delivery


to get only the domains that don't matches you should do:

host -t MX $i | egrep "mail1.thiscouldbeme.com|mail2.thiscouldbemetoo.com" > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo $i




Ingo Claro F.
Gerente de Operaciones
(+56-2) 43 00 155

NetRed S.A.
Certificado ISO 9001:2000

Michael Krieger escribió:

for i in `cat /var/qmail/control/{more,}rcpthosts`; do
  host -t MX $i | egrep "mail1.thiscouldbeme.com|mail2.thiscouldbemetoo.com" 2>&1 || echo $i

Done- will echo everything that does not include your _expression_ in its MX record.  If it has no matches, grep exits 1 and will trigger the echo.  If it matches at least one, then you're set.  You can make more complex expressions or do more tests if you'd like.


Tom Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 19, 2006, at 12:46 AM, Andy BIERLAIR wrote:
> How can I force vpopmail/qmail to deliver it to the right MX instead
> to a
> local zombie domain?

You can't.

You possibly need to write an auditing program that goes through the
domains in your rcpthosts and morercpthosts and makes a list of domains
that don't list you as an MX.

QmailAdmin: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/ Vpopmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/


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