The way I personally do it, is move all the contents over, and after that is all done, shut down the old qmail, set up a tcpserver with a simple netcat to port 25 on the new server, and it is like a proxy. All mail that would still be going to the old server because of old dnscaches now does not even hit the old servers disk, and it all becomes network bound.

The reason I did it this way was the fact that the machine was running with no hard drives in it from a USB stick as a last resort to get data of the dying hard drives. For the rest I used rsync to move all the structures over, including the control and qmail config files.

Bert JW Regeer

On Aug 14, 2006, at 05:06:26  EDT, Kurt Bigler wrote:

My uplevel talked me into using an even simpler approach (more like yours), making my original question partly moot. The two servers (freebsd jail vps's actually) are binary-compatible so we just rsync'd the entire server (vps). We will do a final rsync for the real transition after doing some
testing first.

However your step 5 concerns me.  I'm assuming in the scenario I just
described that your step 5 isn't necessary, and please correct me if I'm wrong. The uid/gid's should be identical, and I confirmed that vpopmail gets 89:89 on both servers. Qmailadmin seems to think the domains and users
were transferred ok.  Pop and smtp access seems to work.

My originally described approach was intended to be more "conservative" and even permit me to migrate one domain at a time in a leisurely and careful way, and would avoid shutting down qmail until the entire transition is complete. From a message on the toaster list I gleaned that I would need to
hand-empty the virtualdomains file on the old server to implement my
original step 5.

Thanks for your detailed info, which confirmed my uplevel's suggested
strategy, and which I'll file for future use, and is a good piece for the


on 8/13/06 9:31 PM, Austin Jorden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've worked with your exact setup before nearly.

The best thing you can do is..

1)  Do nothing on your old vpopmail machine yet.
2)  Install vpopmail on your new machine
3)  DO-NOT create your domains or anything on your new machine yet.
4) Use Rsync through SSH to copy your vpopmail directory from your old server to your new one. I know the exact command if you want it. should
be /home/vpopmail
5) Create your domains on your new machine, you'll get a warning "Domain already exists" however it will create anyways and all of your users will be automatically created, and your domains will get the correct UID and
6)  When you're sure it'll work for you (which I'm 99.9% positive it
will), simply use rsync to recopy your old vpopmail directory to your new one on the new server. RSync will only copy the new files, so it doesn't
recopy anything, therefore you don't have any missed e-mails.
7) Repoint your DNS and you have a complete transfer.

on your old machine,
do this..

rsync -av -e ssh /home/vpopmail

Replace the 0's with the destination IP address, it'll prompt you for the
new servers root password, enter it in and it'll build file list and
transfer everything over.

You may get some warnings and/or errors from rsync saying "Some files
could not be transfered"  that's because some files your trying to
transfer are currently being used, etc. To stop that, simply cutoff the
connections and then transfer (possible right before you transfer
everything to make the new server active)

If you have any questions, let me know.

- Austin Jorden

On Sun, August 13, 2006 8:35 pm, Kurt Bigler wrote:
I'm migrating my vpopmail server to a new machine.  The DNS zones
fortunately do not have to be moved.

My tentative plan for how to achieve the transition is as follows.

(1) set up the new server with identical vpopmail domain/user structure (2) have the new server ready to receive SMTP for these domains, but with
MX pointing to it yet
(3) set up the old server to route ALL outgoing SMTP through the new

At that point everything is basically set up for a transition, but nothing
has really changed yet except how outgoing SMTP is being routed.

(4) On the old server, delete all domains currently delivered locally
but still accept incoming messages for those domains.  (Also retain
and contents for later copying. So I can't just vdeldomain.) The idea is that incoming messages still go through the old server, but as soon as the local domains are gone they get passed on to the new server with all other
outgoing SMTP.
(5) Copy all residual POP directory contents left on the old server to the
new server.

(6) Re-point the MX to the new server. Actually this is probably just an
record change since the MX hostname will remain the same.
(7) Update all other relevant A records that end-users have entered into
their MUA configurations.

I'm not sure of a couple things in the above plan.

(a) Basically how do I achieve step (4) above? Do I manually empty the assign file and/or virtualdomains files since I need to retain the POP
directories and so can't use vdeldomain?

(b) On the new server, is there any advantage (or necessity) to accepting delivery for the domains but deferring the actual local delivery until the
old POP contents are copied over first?

Thanks for any thoughts.

-Kurt Bigler

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