Il Friday 29 February 2008 18:46:37 Tom Collins ha scritto:
> > There is someone who is able to disable access IMAP except for  
> > webmail (login
> > via localhost) ?
> Recent versions (like the past year, at least) include a list of IPs  
> for which IMAP connections are considered "webmail" and don't get  
> rejected for users who don't have IMAP access.
> Look in vchkpw.c for a -- that's where the list is.

Thanks Tom,

my webmail already uses (localhost) as IMAP host. In my vchkpw.c is already included this address, but vmoduser -i has no effect.

An extract of my vchkpw.c:

#define POP_CONN  0
#define SMTP_CONN 1
#define IMAP_CONN 2
#define WEBMAIL_CONN 3

/* POP/IMAP connections from the following IPs will be classified as
 * "web mail" instead of POP/IMAP.  On single-server networks, this
 * will typically be just 'localhost'.  For clusters, add the IP
 * addresses of all webmail servers.
char *webmailips[] = { "" };

int ConnType = 0;

int main( int argc, char **argv)
 char *tmpstr;

  if ( (IpAddr = get_remote_ip())  == NULL) IpAddr="";
  if ( (tmpstr = getenv("TCPLOCALPORT")) == NULL) LocalPort = 0;
  else LocalPort = atoi(tmpstr);

Someone using this option with success?

Alessio Cecchi is:
@ ILS ->
Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux ->
@ PLUG -> ex-Presidente, adesso senatore a vita,


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