Paul H. Giesberts wrote:
> Paul H. Giesberts wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I have installed the latest qmail-net as per "life with qmail" on a RHES 
>> 5.3, then vpopmail-5.4.28, which I upgraded to 5.4.30. (And dovecot 1.2.8)
>> I get a "Aack,_child_crashed" upon mail delivery, when I create:  
>> home/vpopmail/domains/ 
>> with a local delivery instruction in the .qmail file that reads: 
>> /home/vpopmail/domains/
>> If I remove the .qmail file it works fine. If I create a .qmail file with a 
>> forward to an external address it works fine. It's when the delivery 
>> instruction is local that it fails (./Maildir/ does not work either).
>> Can you please help?
>> By the way, what I am after is a local delivery PLUS a forward for a user. 
>> Also this is NOT yet a production server....
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Paul Giesberts
> try this:
> go to
> and search for "aack, child crashed 5.4.30"
> ++jukka
> Hi Jukka,
> Thanks for your reply. I have seen that post and tried that fix on 5.4.28 and 
> now I have tried it on 5.4.30. Unfortunately it has not cured the problem... 
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks again Paul.
> --------------------The Solution (for me) ---------------------------
> I use safecat in the . qmail file
> So in /home/vpopmail/domains/ I have a .qmail file that reads:
> |safecat /home/vpopmail/domains/ 
> /home/vpopmail/domains/
> &anot...@email.address ### another email address on a new line that I forward 
> email to. ###
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Paul

I meant this solution (by Matt Brookings):


Try this:

cat > ~vpopmail/etc/vusagec.conf << __EOF__
   Disable = True;



Hi Jukka,

I know, that is what I tried. It did not work on either 5.4.28 or 5.4.30. 
Anyway, using Safecat as mentioned above seems to work, though I have had one 
email where the message body disappeared.... I will spend a week testing it and 
see what happens. Thanks for your help. Do you know if using safecat like this 
is "legit"?

Thanks, Paul.


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