On 3/15/2010 4:50 PM, Matt Brookings wrote:
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Arthur Kerpician wrote:
I just installed vpopmail 5.5.0 especially for the domain quota function
which seems to be working fine. If I deliver through vdelivermail, quota
enforcement does it's job but if I switch to maildrop for some
filtering, I must apply maildrop / courier quota enforcement. Is there a
way to first check for quota (user and domain) using vusaged and then
pass the message to maildrop? I guess I have to use the .qmail file for
this but I don't know how to combine both (vdelivermail and maildrop).
You can call the vusagec binary, which will return usage stats for a user or
domain.  Unfortunately, you'd need to also parse the response for the numbers 

I didn't think of vusagec, you're right. I tried calling "vdominfo -q <domain>" to check quota usage for the domain but it's broken (returns the command help). I'll write the script using vusagec, thanks alot!


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