Thanks for that vmprofile tip. That fixed the network naming issue I was
Good news is that it got farther in the process, but still failed.  Here's
the new logs:

2009-03-25 19:29:33|28031|149:16|new||SSHing to copy
> vmdk-flat file
2009-03-25 19:29:43|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:29:43
2009-03-25 19:29:55|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:29:55
2009-03-25 19:29:57|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:29:57|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:29:57|28031|149:16|new||adapter= lsilogic
2009-03-25 19:29:57|28031|149:16|new||wrote vmxarray to
> /mnt/vcl/inuse/esx3-lamp-v0-bl3/esx3-lamp-v0.vmx
2009-03-25 19:30:00|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:00|28031|149:16|new||Registered:
|28031|149:16|new| Register of VM 'esx3-lamp-v0-bl3' successfully completed
> under host esxibl3.preloads.private
2009-03-25 19:30:00|28031|149:16|new||Power on command:
> /usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm/ --server
> 'esxibl3.preloads.private' --vmname esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 --operation poweron
> --username vcl --password 'd834jfhd734jgfhf7'
2009-03-25 19:30:04|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:04|28031|149:16|new||Powered on:
|28031|149:16|new| virtual machine 'esx3-lamp-v0-bl3' under host
> esxibl3.preloads.private powered on
2009-03-25 19:30:05|28031|149:16|new||deviceinfo->summary:
> VirtualPCNet32=HASH(0xbdd3d64)->deviceinfo->summary
2009-03-25 19:30:05|28031|149:16|new||virtualswitch0:
> Management
2009-03-25 19:30:05|28031|149:16|new||deviceinfo->summary:
> VirtualPCNet32=HASH(0xacbce1c)->deviceinfo->summary
2009-03-25 19:30:05|28031|149:16|new||virtualswitch0:
> Management
2009-03-25 19:30:05|28031|149:16|new||Queried MAC address is
> 00:0c:29:46:1d:c7
2009-03-25 19:30:05|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:05|28031|149:16|new||going to sleep 5
> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 1
2009-03-25 19:30:07|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:30:07
2009-03-25 19:30:10|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:10|28031|149:16|new||going to sleep 5
> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 2
2009-03-25 19:30:15|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:15|28031|149:16|new||going to sleep 5
> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 3
2009-03-25 19:30:19|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:30:19
2009-03-25 19:30:20|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:20|28031|149:16|new||going to sleep 5
> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 4
2009-03-25 19:30:25|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:25|28031|149:16|new||going to sleep 5
> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 5
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new||esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 now
> has ip
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new||Found IP address
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new||Removing old hosts
> entry
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new||
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:30|28031|149:16|new||Waiting for ssh to
> come up on esx3-lamp-v0-bl3
2009-03-25 19:30:31|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:31|28031|149:16|new||going to sleep 5
> seconds, waiting for computer to start SSH. Try 1
2009-03-25 19:30:31|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:30:31
2009-03-25 19:30:36|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:36|28031|149:16|new||executing
> SSH command on esx3-lamp-v0-bl3: uname -s
2009-03-25 19:30:43|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:30:43
2009-03-25 19:30:47|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
> output: Linux
2009-03-25 19:30:47|28031|149:16|new||SSH
> command executed on esx3-lamp-v0-bl3: uname -s, returning (0, output)
2009-03-25 19:30:47|28031|149:16|new||esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 now
> has active sshd running
2009-03-25 19:30:47|28031|149:16|new||inserted
> computer=13, dynamicDHCPaddress, collecting dynamic IP address for node
2009-03-25 19:30:47|28031|149:16|new||Attempting to query
> vmclient for its public IP...
2009-03-25 19:30:47|28031|149:16|new||PrivateIP
> address for esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 collected
2009-03-25 19:30:47|28031|149:16|new||executing
> SSH command on esx3-lamp-v0-bl3: /sbin/ifconfig |grep inet
2009-03-25 19:30:55|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:30:55
2009-03-25 19:30:57|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
> output: inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
|28031|149:16|new|  inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe46:1dc7/64 Scope:Link
|28031|149:16|new|  inet addr: Bcast:
> Mask:
|28031|149:16|new|  inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe46:1dd1/64 Scope:Link
|28031|149:16|new|  inet addr: Mask:
|28031|149:16|new|  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
2009-03-25 19:30:57|28031|149:16|new||SSH
> command executed on esx3-lamp-v0-bl3: /sbin/ifconfig |grep inet, returning
> (0, output)
2009-03-25 19:30:57|28031|149:16|new||dynamic
> IP address for esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 collected: 0
2009-03-25 19:30:57|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:31:07|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:31:07
2009-03-25 19:33:31|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:33:31
2009-03-25 19:33:39|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:33:39|28031|149:16|new||SUCCESS -- Sending
> mail To: r...@localhost, PROBLEM --

> |28031|149:16|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
|28031|149:16|new| 2009-03-25 19:30:57|28031|149:16|new||could
> not fetch dynamic address from esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 esx3-lamp-v0
|28031|149:16|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
|28031|149:16|new| (-1), load (line: 444)
|28031|149:16|new| (-2), reload_image (line: 664)
|28031|149:16|new| (-3), process (line: 266)
|28031|149:16|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
|28031|149:16|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 353)

> 2009-03-25 19:33:39|28031|149:16|new||inserted
> computer=13, failed, could not collect dynamic IP address for node

> |28031|149:16|new| ---- WARNING ----
|28031|149:16|new| 2009-03-25
> failed to load on esx3-lamp-v0-bl3, returning
|28031|149:16|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
|28031|149:16|new| (-1), reload_image (line: 669)
|28031|149:16|new| (-2), process (line: 266)
|28031|149:16|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
|28031|149:16|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 353)

> 2009-03-25 19:33:39|28031|149:16|new||inserted
> computer=13, loadimagefailed, esx3-lamp-v0 failed to load on
> esx3-lamp-v0-bl3

> |28031|149:16|new| ---- WARNING ----
|28031|149:16|new| 2009-03-25
> to load esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 with esx3-lamp-v0
|28031|149:16|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
|28031|149:16|new| (-1), process (line: 313)
|28031|149:16|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
|28031|149:16|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 353)

> 2009-03-25 19:33:39|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:33:43|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:33:43
2009-03-25 19:33:55|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
> management node 1: 2009-03-25 19:33:55

> 2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
> status: 0
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||SUCCESS -- Sending
> mail To: r...@localhost, PROBLEM --

> |28031|149:16|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
|28031|149:16|new| 2009-03-25
> 19:33:39|28031|149:16|new||reservation
> failed on esx3-lamp-v0-bl3: process failed after trying to load or make
> available
|28031|149:16|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
|28031|149:16|new| (-1), reservation_failed (line: 285)
|28031|149:16|new| (-2), process (line: 316)
|28031|149:16|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
|28031|149:16|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 353)

> 2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||inserted
> computer=13, failed, process failed after trying to load or make available
> 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||inserted
> computerloadlog entry
> 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||updated log
> ending value to 'failed', logid=83
> 13 state updated to: failed
> 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||computer
> esx3-lamp-v0-bl3 (13) state set to failed
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||request
> 149 state updated to: failed, laststate to: new
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||set
> request state to 'failed'/'new'
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||zero
> rows were returned from database select
> 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||esx3-lamp-v0-bl3
> is NOT in blockcomputers table
> 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||exiting 1
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||destructor
> called, ref($self)=VCL::new
> computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
> rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=16
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||removed
> computerloadlog rows with loadstate=begin for reservation
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||number of
> database handles state process created: 1
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||process has a
> database handle stored in $ENV{dbh}, attempting disconnect
2009-03-25 19:36:21|28031|149:16|new||$ENV{dbh}:
> database disconnect successful
2009-03-25 19:36:21|2421|vcld:REAPER(751)|process reaped: pid: 28031, $?:
> 256, exit status: 1
2009-03-25 19:36:21|2421|vcld:REAPER(756)|VCL process exited for reservation
> 16
2009-03-25 19:36:21|2421|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 256, exit status: 1


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Brian Bouterse <> wrote:

> Here are a few things to look into around the virtual switch assignments of
> deployed ESX compatible virtual machines.  When the writes out the
> .vmx file, on-the-fly, it indicates the network names each interface should
> connect to with the following tags.
> Ethernet0.networkName = "VM Port Group Network Name (Management)"
> Ethernet1.networkName = "VM Port Group Network Name (Public)"
> These are pulled from the virtualswitch0 and virtualswitch1 fields of the
> VMware ESX entry in the vmprofile table.
> To make this correct, the two virtual switch names (VCL assumes the virtual
> switches are already existing) need to be entered into the vmprofile table.
>  Is this that case for your installation?
> Best,
> Brian
> Brian Bouterse
> Secure Open Systems Initiative
> 919.698.8796
> On Mar 24, 2009, at 3:24 PM, Melba Lopez wrote:
>  After ensuring the computer hostnames in the DB matches the VI Client
>> hostname, with some changes to the hostname at the ESXi host gui, the
>> reservation seemed to go a lot farther.
>> I actually saw the VM deployed and turned on at it's designated blade,
>> however the reservation ultimately failed.  As I mentioned in a previous
>> email, the vSwitch settings in the golden VM does not stay once it's
>> copied
>> over to inuse.  Perhaps this is causing this failure?
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:01|7840|148:15|new||Registered:
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| Register of VM 'esx3-lamp-v0-bl1' successfully
>> completed
>>> under host esxibl1.preloads.private
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:01|7840|148:15|new||Power on command:
>>> /usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm/ --server
>>> 'esxibl1.preloads.private' --vmname esx3-lamp-v0-bl1 --operation poweron
>>> --username vcl --password 'd834jfhd734jgfhf7'
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:02|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
>>> management node 1: 2009-03-24 22:46:02
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:05|7840|148:15|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0,
>> exit
>>> status: 0
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:05|7840|148:15|new||Powered on:
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| virtual machine 'esx3-lamp-v0-bl1' under host
>>> esxibl1.preloads.private powered on
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:06|7840|148:15|new|
>> load(349)|deviceinfo->summary:
>>> VirtualPCNet32=HASH(0xbaaf304)->deviceinfo->summary
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:06|7840|148:15|new||virtualswitch0: VM
>>> Network
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:06|7840|148:15|new|
>> load(349)|deviceinfo->summary:
>>> VirtualPCNet32=HASH(0xa9860fc)->deviceinfo->summary
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:06|7840|148:15|new||virtualswitch0: VM
>>> Network
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:06|7840|148:15|new||Queried MAC
>> address is
>>> 00:0c:29:17:db:6a
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:06|7840|148:15|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0,
>> exit
>>> status: 0
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:06|7840|148:15|new||going to sleep 5
>>> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 1
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:11|7840|148:15|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0,
>> exit
>>> status: 0
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:11|7840|148:15|new||going to sleep 5
>>> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 2
>>>  2009-03-24 22:46:14|2421|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
>>> management node 1: 2009-03-24 22:46:14
>>>  ...
>>>  ....
>>>  .....keeps trying until 25 below
>> 2009-03-24 22:48:07|7840|148:15|new||going to sleep 5
>>> seconds, waiting for computer to DHCP. Try 25
>> 2009-03-24 22:48:12|7840|148:15|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0, exit
>>> status: 0
>>>  2009-03-24 22:48:12|7840|148:15|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0,
>> exit
>>> status: 0
>>>  2009-03-24 22:50:48|7840|148:15|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0,
>> exit
>>> status: 0
>>>  2009-03-24 22:50:48|7840|148:15|new||SUCCESS --
>> Sending
>>> mail To: r...@localhost, PROBLEM --
>>  |7840|148:15|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| 2009-03-24 22:48:12|7840|148:15|new|
>> load(376)|waited
>>> acceptable amount of time for dhcp, please check esx3-lamp-v0-bl1 on
>>> esxibl1.preloads.private
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-1), load (line: 376)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-2), reload_image (line: 664)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-3), process (line: 266)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 353)
>>> |7840|148:15|new| ---- WARNING ----
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| 2009-03-24
>> 22:50:48|7840|148:15|new||esx3-lamp-v0
>>> failed to load on esx3-lamp-v0-bl1, returning
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-1), reload_image (line: 669)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-2), process (line: 266)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 353)
>>  2009-03-24 22:50:48|7840|148:15|new|
>>> insertloadlog(5300)|inserted
>>> computer=11, loadimagefailed, esx3-lamp-v0 failed to load on
>>> esx3-lamp-v0-bl1
>>  |7840|148:15|new| ---- WARNING ----
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| 2009-03-24
>> 22:50:48|7840|148:15|new||failed
>>> to load esx3-lamp-v0-bl1 with esx3-lamp-v0
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-1), process (line: 313)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
>>>  |7840|148:15|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 353)
>>  2009-03-24 22:50:48|7840|148:15|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to 0,
>>> exit
>>> status: 0
>>>  2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||SUCCESS --
>> Sending
>> mail To: r...@localhost, PROBLEM --
>> |7840|148:15|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
>> |7840|148:15|new| 2009-03-24
>> 22:50:48|7840|148:15|new||reservation
>> failed
>> on esx3-lamp-v0-bl1: process failed after trying to load or make available
>> |7840|148:15|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
>> |7840|148:15|new| (-1), reservation_failed (line: 285)
>> |7840|148:15|new| (-2), process (line: 316)
>> |7840|148:15|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
>> |7840|148:15|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 353)
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||inserted
>> computer=11, failed, process failed after trying to load or make available
>> 2009-03-24
>> 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||inserted
>> computerloadlog entry
>> 2009-03-24
>> 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||updated
>> log ending value to 'failed', logid=82
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new|
>> update_computer_state(2305)|computer
>> 11 state updated to: failed
>> 2009-03-24
>> 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||computer
>> esx3-lamp-v0-bl1 (11) state set to failed
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new|
>> update_request_state(2263)|request
>> 148 state updated to: failed, laststate to: new
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||set
>> request state to 'failed'/'new'
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||zero
>> rows were returned from database select
>> 2009-03-24
>> 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||esx3-lamp-v0-bl1
>> is NOT in blockcomputers table
>> 2009-03-24
>> 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||exiting
>> 1
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||destructor
>> called,
>> ref($self)=VCL::new
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new|
>> delete_computerloadlog_reservation(8013)|removing
>> computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new|
>> delete_computerloadlog_reservation(8060)|deleted
>> rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=15
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||removed
>> computerloadlog rows with loadstate=begin for reservation
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||number of
>> database
>> handles state process created: 1
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||process has a
>> database handle stored in $ENV{dbh}, attempting disconnect
>> 2009-03-24 22:53:24|7840|148:15|new||$ENV{dbh}:
>> database disconnect successful
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Brian Bouterse <>
>> wrote:
>>  As it turns out, the vcl-dev list strips out embedded URLs.  I've pasted
>>> it
>>> below.
>>> Best,
>>> Brian
>>> Brian Bouterse
>>> Secure Open Systems Initiative
>>> 919.698.8796
>>> On Mar 24, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Brian Bouterse wrote:
>>> I forgot to include the link with the upgrade how-to:  It is located
>>> here.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Brian
>>>> Brian Bouterse
>>>> Secure Open Systems Initiative
>>>> 919.698.8796
>>>> On Mar 24, 2009, at 12:20 PM, Brian Bouterse wrote:
>>>> I've put in some more debugging into the module.  This should
>>>>> print the registration command to the screen so that it can be tried to
>>>>> run
>>>>> manually.  Can you update to the latest code version and try it?  I've
>>>>> written a how-to located here.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Brian
>>>>> Brian Bouterse
>>>>> Secure Open Systems Initiative
>>>>> 919.698.8796
>>>>> On Mar 24, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Melba Lopez wrote:
>>>>> Actually everything you've mentioned has been put into place.
>>>>>> The nameserver entry is in /etc/resolv.conf and all the esxibl1-3
>>>>>> hostnames
>>>>>> are in the /etc/hosts.
>>>>>> I can connect to the blades by putting esxibl1-3 into VIClient without
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>> Note:  /etc/resolv.conf is generated by /sbin/dhclient-script; once
>>>>>> network/vm is rebooted it restores original.
>>>>>> I also restarted the networking and went as far as to reboot the VCL
>>>>>> VM
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> still it gives me the same error.
>>>>>> --Melba
>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Brian Bouterse <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm still suspicious of your DNS resolution and configuration.  In
>>>>>>> addition
>>>>>>> to creating the DNS entries in your lab's DNS server, did you connect
>>>>>>> VCL to
>>>>>>> that DNS by creating an entry similar to the one below in the
>>>>>>> /etc/resolv.conf on your VCL management node?
>>>>>>> nameserver <ip_of_your_DNS_here>
>>>>>>> Can you connect with virtual center to the blade you're trying to
>>>>>>> provision
>>>>>>> to when referencing it strictly by it's hostname?
>>>>>>> If you want to remove DNS resolution from the list of possible
>>>>>>> culprits,
>>>>>>> you can create an entry in /etc/hosts of your VCL management node
>>>>>>> similar to
>>>>>>> the line below.  I think that should work.
>>>>>>> <IP Address of esxib1>  esxibl1.
>>>>>>> Remember to restart networking (or the whole VCL management node)
>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>> testing these configuration changes.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>>> Brian Bouterse
>>>>>>> Secure Open Systems Initiative
>>>>>>> 919.698.8796
>>>>>>> On Mar 23, 2009, at 9:13 PM, Melba Lopez wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok, our lab already had DNS capabilities, so I've set esxibl1-3* *to
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>  valid hostnames*.
>>>>>>>> *However, it is still saying it can't find "esxibl1".  I've pinged
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> hostname from another machine on the same network and it works just
>>>>>>>> fine.
>>>>>>>> Also because it kept saying it couldn't load the VM, I've found
>>>>>>>> another
>>>>>>>> problem.  The vmdk file successfully copies over into the "inuse"
>>>>>>>> folder.
>>>>>>>> When I manually add that VM to a blade, I'm noticing that the VM
>>>>>>>> does
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> keep the network setings.  I watched someone actually create this VM
>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>> redid it myself, and the settings do not stay when its copied over.
>>>>>>>> Not
>>>>>>>> sure if it's related, but thought I might mention it.
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:28:57|24815|143:10|new||wrote
>>>>>>>> vmxarray
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> /mnt/vcl/inuse/esx3-lamp-v0-bl1/esx3-lamp-v0.vmx
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:28:59|24815|143:10|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to
>>>>>>>> 0,
>>>>>>>> exit
>>>>>>>> status: 0
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:28:59|24815|143:10|new||Registered:
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| No host found with name esxibl1.
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:28:59|24815|143:10|new||Power on
>>>>>>>> command:
>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm/ --server 'esxibl1'
>>>>>>>> --vmname
>>>>>>>> esx3-lamp-v0-bl1 --operation poweron --username vcl --password
>>>>>>>> 'd834jfhd734jgfhf7'
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:29:00|24815|143:10|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to
>>>>>>>> 0,
>>>>>>>> exit
>>>>>>>> status: 0
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:29:00|24815|143:10|new||Powered on:
>>>>>>>> Virtual
>>>>>>>> Machine esx3-lamp-v0-bl1 not found.
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:29:01|24815|143:10|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to
>>>>>>>> 0,
>>>>>>>> exit
>>>>>>>> status: 0
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:29:01|24815|143:10|new|vcld:REAPER(770)|setting $? to
>>>>>>>> 0,
>>>>>>>> exit
>>>>>>>> status: 0
>>>>>>>> 2009-03-24 04:29:01|24815|143:10|new||SUCCESS --
>>>>>>>> Sending
>>>>>>>> mail To: r...@localhost, PROBLEM --
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| 2009-03-24 04:29:01|24815|143:10|new|
>>>>>>>> load(341)|Could
>>>>>>>> not query for VM in VI PERL API
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| (-1), load (line: 341)
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| (-2), reload_image (line: 664)
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| (-3), process (line: 266)
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 606)
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 353)
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| ---- WARNING ----
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| 2009-03-24
>>>>>>>> 04:29:01|24815|143:10|new||esx3-lamp-v0
>>>>>>>> failed to load on esx3-lamp-v0-bl1, returning
>>>>>>>> |24815|143:10|new| ( 0), notify (line: 683)*
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Josh Thompson <
>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
>>>>>>>>  Hash: SHA1
>>>>>>>>> On Thu March 19 2009 5:45:40 pm Brian Bouterse wrote:
>>>>>>>>> always fake the DNS resolution by placing an entry /etc/resolv.conf
>>>>>>>>>>  That would be /etc/hosts  :)
>>>>>>>>> Josh
>>>>>>>>> - --
>>>>>>>>> - -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Josh Thompson
>>>>>>>>> Systems Programmer
>>>>>>>>> Virtual Computing Lab (VCL)
>>>>>>>>> North Carolina State University
>>>>>>>>> 919-515-5323
>>>>>>>>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
>>>>>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>>>>>>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
>>>>>>>>> iD8DBQFJwt9xV/LQcNdtPQMRAiekAJ9Sna6on6gIZC8fO/1wKWFw9W3zIQCffxLj
>>>>>>>>> nKgBCGnhdhToNQ0EtzLhRC8=
>>>>>>>>> =Yjph
>>>>>>>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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