I'd like to add in a feature to automatically capture an image and at the end of or at the timeout of image creation reservations.

There have been some cases, where end-users have been in image creation mode, made many changes, then lost everything due to their reservation being timed out. This feature, would at the end of their imaging reservation automatically start the image capture process instead of timing it out.

The changes would be minor and would affect the front end and the backend inuse module.

frontend changes:
* add create image routines to available xmlrpc functions
* additionally the frontend would
1 insert new image if it was a kickstart type image
2 insert new image if end-user is not the image owner
3 update the image if end-user is the image owner

inuse.pm changes
- when end time is reached - 10 minute warning
- and if request has forimaging flag set
- send different message to end-user about automatically starting the capture process
- call xmrpc_create_image with reservation/request id
- exit quietly from the insue.pm module (imaging process will take over)

Note this would affect anyone here who is using image creation reservations for long-term reservations to get around the check-user flag. As part of service loads scheduled for the 2.3 release I think we had planned to extend user and user group attributes to disable user checks on per reservation using a user attribute in addition to the current image profile attribute.

Unless anyone chimes in over the next days, I'll assume it's ok to move forward on this change.


Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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