Hello Mark,

I agree with the goal that you have articulated. The scope of the tool will
be to query across the various image attributes (like software installed,
OS supported, provider, security policies etc.)  and then provide the user
with the best option(s) that s/he can select from.
I am currently identifying all the policies that can be associated with a
Image, specially aligning them with NIST's cloud computing policies and
will share the list for feedback once it's ready.


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Mark Gardner <m...@vt.edu> wrote:

> Karuna,
> I think this is a great idea.
> I wonder if the idea should be broadened a bit though. Right now, the
> only thing that distinguishes one image from another is the name. We
> should provide some kind of mechanism in which the user can query and
> receive suggestions as to which image should be used. In your use
> case, the query parameters would relate to selecting which cloud
> provider to use. In another case, it may be querying which software is
> installed in an image. There are undoubtedly other types of queries
> that are desirable as well. (The NC State folks probably have some
> suggestions since their image list is quite long.)
> The goal would be to make it easier for someone to select an
> appropriate image even when they don't know much about the images. A
> general mechanism should allow your use case to be served as well as
> others we have yet to define.
> Mark
> --
> Mark Gardner
> --

Karuna Pande Joshi
PhD Candidate,
kjos...@umbc.edu,  karuna.jo...@umbc.edu

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