Thanks again Ryan for your input. Your input has made this experiment
a lot less painful.

Ah.. I know for certain of one issue that I definitely have. ESXi host
has stubbornly refused to change the state to "vmhostinuse".

I think I'm also suffering from the same problem of my ESXi host not
in "vmhostinuse" state (similar to past posters in the same link);

>From the threads, I'm not sure if or how the poster solves the problem.

I changed the state to vmhostinuse via web interface, there are no
error messages, but when I revisit the webpage again, the state
becomes "available" again. I'm not sure if I should go to the database
and directly tweak it. The fact that the webpage did not change the
state from available to vmhostinuse for me is a bit worrisome.

Any help, comments are appreciated. Thanks.

Following are my tables.

mysql> select * from vmhost;
| id | computerid | vmlimit | vmprofileid | vmkernalnic | vmwaredisk  |
|  1 |          1 |       5 |           6 | NULL        | networkdisk |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from vmprofile;
| id | profilename                               | vmtypeid | imageid
| nasshare | datastorepath                    | vmpath
| virtualswitch0 | virtualswitch1                 | vmdisk      |
username | password       |
|  1 | VMware GSX standard                       |        3 |       8
| NULL     | /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines | NULL
| VMnet0         | VMnet2                         | localdisk   | NULL
    | NULL           |
|  2 | Vmware ESX standard network mounted share |        5 |       9
| NULL     | /vmfs/volumes/nfs1               | /vmfs/volumes/storage1
| VM Network     | Virtual Machine Public Network | networkdisk | NULL
    | NULL           |
|  3 | Vmware ESX standard localdisk             |        5 |       9
| NULL     | /vmfs/volumes/storage1           | NULL
| VM Network     | Virtual Machine Public Network | localdisk   | NULL
    | NULL           |
|  4 | Vmware ESX SAN                            |        5 |       9
| NULL     | /vmfs/volumes/NetApp             | /vmfs/volumes/storage1
| Intranet2      | MCNC Public                    | networkdisk | NULL
    | NULL           |
|  6 | MyESXiNode                                |        6 |       4
| NULL     |    | /vmfs/volumes/nfsstore
| VM Network     | Virtual Machine Network        | localdisk   | root
    | notmypassword |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from computer;
| id | stateid | ownerid | platformid | scheduleid | currentimageid |
preferredimageid | nextimageid | imagerevisionid | RAM  | procnumber |
procspeed | network | hostname              | IPaddress      |
privateIPaddress | eth0macaddress | eth1macaddress | type           |
provisioningid | drivetype | deleted | notes | lastcheck | location |
dsa  | dsapub | rsa  | rsapub | host | hostpub | vmhostid | vmtypeid |
|  1 |       2 |       1 |          1 |          1 |              4 |
              0 |           0 |               0 | 4096 |          2 |
    3200 |     100 | vmnode2.local         |   | NULL
        | NULL           | NULL           | blade          |
   4 | hda       |       0 | NULL  | NULL      | NULL     | NULL |
NULL   | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL    |     NULL |     NULL |
|  2 |       2 |       1 |          1 |          1 |              4 |
              0 |           0 |               0 |  512 |          1 |
    3200 |     100 | vmwarelinux-base10-v1 | | NULL
        | NULL           | NULL           | virtualmachine |
   4 | hda       |       0 |       | NULL      | NULL     | NULL |
NULL   | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL    |        1 |     NULL |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Ryan Johnson <> wrote:
> For you selection not currently available problem, there was some discussion
> a couple of threads ago.  There were also other discussions, check this link
> Make sure your computers (VM's) are in groups and that your base image is
> mapped to these groups and make sure the hardware requirements listed for
> the image in the image table are met by the hardware listed for your VM's in
> the computers table.  The reservations will not work if VCL cannot ssh into
> the VM's when they are spun up.  Credentials will not be able to be set,
> etc..  I am unsure of the configurations which VCL does during base image
> capture, but I assume its important.  Maybe someone could enlighten us?
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:42 PM, My LinuxHAList <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could the list help me with couple questions ?
>> (1) What's the best way to tell if the image has been captured properly ?
>>  Say, my image name is vmwarelinux-base10-v1. Is the creation of the
>> following imply successful creation of image:
>> ./golden/
>> ./golden/vmwarelinux-base10-v1
>> ./golden/vmwarelinux-base10-v1/vmwarelinux-base10-v1.vmx
>> ./golden/vmwarelinux-base10-v1/vmwarelinux-base10-v1.vmdk
>> ./golden/vmwarelinux-base10-v1/vmwarelinux-base10-v1-flat.vmdk ?
>> (2)
>> Assuming that one has successfully captured an image (which I'm not
>> fully certain I have),
>> it seems to me that the next logical step is to have access to the image.
>> I'm using admin account.
>> My Image name is "No Apps (Linux)".
>> I'm following the step of
>>    So, I did Step 1.1 -> Making "No Apps(Linux)" part of allImages
>> and allVMImages;
>>                 Step 1.2 -> Making {allImages,allVMImages} to belong
>> to "{allComputers,newImages,newVMImages}
>>                 Step 2.{1,2,3} -> It seems that admin already has all
>> the privileges
>>     I have questions on Step 2.4. Step 2.4 says that "Make sure the
>> image group in which you placed in the image in #1 of Image mapping is
>> available at this node".
>>     Q: Is Step 2.4 asking to look at Resources section under the
>> "Privileges" section to see if "allImages" are marked "Available"
>>     Q: SImilarly, is Step 2.5 asking to look at Resources section
>> under the "Privileges" section to see if "allComputers" are marked
>> "Available"
>>     Q: Please see attached screen shot.
>>          Under "Privileges" screen, somehow, under "Resources"
>> section, allManagementNodes row appears to not have the
>>          rows rendered (attached will show that the
>> "allManagementNodes" row aren't rendered now.
>>          I let my mouse hover on "allManagementNodes" and got what it
>> might be the clues in the yellow block.
>> Currently, when I tried to make a "New Reservation" of "No
>> Apps(Linux)" for now, it would say "Selection not currently
>> available".
>> Ultimately, I wish to be able to create a new reservation for image
>> that has been captured (if indeed it has been captured)
>> Thanks.

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