Thanks John and Andy.

Your suggestions worked perfectly!


Mike Waldron
Systems Specialist
ITS Research Computing
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #3420, ITS Manning, Rm 2509
From: John Ma []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: VMware ESXi 4.1


We have been using the following script to add 'public' interface. You will 
need to adjust the vSwitch number and IP address etc to meet your need.

esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch1
esxcfg-vswitch -A 'Management Network Public' vSwitch1
esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic1 vSwitch1
esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n -p 'Management Network Public'
esxcfg-vswitch -A Public vSwitch1

John Ma
Server Administrator
Marist College

From:        Andy Kurth <>
Date:        05/24/2011 04:50 PM
Subject:        Re: VMware ESXi 4.1

We're using ESXi 4.1 with separate virtual switches for the public and
private networks.  Our hosts come up with the public interface
receiving its IP address via DHCP using vSwitch0.  It sounds like this
is how yours is configured.  The networking configuration panel has
the following:

Virtual Switch: vSwitch0
* Virtual Machine Port Group
** Name: Public
* VMkernel Port
** Name: Management Network
** vmk0: <public IP address>

To configure the private network virtual switch:
-Add Networking
-Connection Types: VMkernel
-Create a virtual switch - select the private interface (vmnicx)
-Network Label: VMkernel
-Use the following IP settings: enter your private IP address and subnet mask
-Click Properties next to Virtual Switch: vSwitch1
-Click Add
-Connection Types: Virtual Machine
-Network Label: Private

ESXi doesn't like multiple interfaces receiving their addresses via
DHCP so we have to configure a static IP address for the private
interface.  I would include a screenshot of our networking
configuration in the vSphere Client but I doubt it will go through.
Here is the output of the esxcfg-* commands after SSH'ing in:

~ # esxcfg-vswitch -l
Switch Name      Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  MTU     Uplinks
vSwitch0         128         3           128               1500    vmnic1

PortGroup Name        VLAN ID  Used Ports  Uplinks
Public                0        0           vmnic1
Management Network    0        1           vmnic1

Switch Name      Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  MTU     Uplinks
vSwitch1         128         3           128               1500    vmnic2

PortGroup Name        VLAN ID  Used Ports  Uplinks
Private               0        0           vmnic2
VMkernel              0        1           vmnic2

~ # esxcfg-vmknic -l
Interface  Port Group/DVPort   IP Family IP Address    Netmask
Broadcast       MAC Address       MTU     TSO MSS   Enabled Type
vmk0       Management Network  IPv4      <public IP>    <public MAC> 1500    65535     true    DHCP
vmk1       VMkernel            IPv4      <private IP>    <private MAC> 1500    65535     true    STATIC


On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Waldron, Michael H
<> wrote:
> Has anyone used the free version of VMware ESXi 4.1?
> I started playing with it to possibly use with our VCL after it's been
> upgraded to 2.2.1, however I can't figure out how to get both our public and
> private networks defined on it. After initial install on a blade, it
> configures the public interface and I'm able to connect to it via the
> vSphere client. But everytime I try to add the private network to it, it
> configures a virtual mac address rather than using the mac address of the
> physical interface like it's doing for the public interface.
> The result is this interface is getting a IP address, rather
> than the IP it should get from the DHCP server. I also enabled SSH on the
> security profile, however it's not answering SSH connection attempts.
> Just wondering if anyone has had some experience with setting this up.
> Mike Waldron
> Systems Specialist
> ITS Research Computing
> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> CB #3420, ITS Manning, Rm 2509
> 919-962-9778

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