Hello, everybody.

We did Base Image Creation and vcld.log seems to fine, but we cannot get
new reservation via browser.

The image capture return an output describing that the image capture was
We sure the new image appear in VCL web.
In addition, a new virtual machine created by VCL automatically to be
reloaded, and we can access to the new virtual machine via ssh.

However, we cannot get new reservation from "New Reservation", the
following message appear, "Selection not currently available".
With that, we tried to reload with our new image via "Manage Computers"
-> "Computer Utilities" -> "Reload selected computers with this image:",
as a result VCL web says "No functional management node was found for
the following computers. They could not be reloaded at this time:".

Are there any pre-require to get a new reservation?
We would appreciate it if you could give us any advices.

Yusuke Wada, QITO Cloud Development Team, Kyushu University, Japan.

management node : CentOS5.5
database and web node : CentOS5.5
VM Host : CentOS5.5
captured VM : CentOS5.5
Base Image : CentOS5.5
provisioning engine : vmware server 2.0.2

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