
I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I would suggest using the 
cluster (or subimage) functionality to do this.  If I were to set this up with 
linux, here is what I'd do:

-create a parent image (this would be for the top node in your pic)
-create a child image (this would be for the bottom node in your pic)
-create a script on the parent that does everything needed to configure the 
parent for having the additional private network - note that a config file for 
the cluster gets placed in /etc/cluster_info that contains the parent and 
child IPs
-create a script on the child that does everything needed to configure the 
child for having the additional private network (again, use info from 
cluster_info if needed)
-create /etc/init.d/vcl_post_reserve on the parent and on the child that will 
kick off the network config scripts

One thing to note when using vcl_post_reserve is that it runs after the user 
clicks the Connect button.  That means if the script take a little while to 
run, the image won't fully be ready until after the scripts have run, but 
there is currently no notification to the user as to when the scripts finish.

To set this up, you'd need to make 2 imaging reservations, one for the parent 
and one for the child.  Then, you'd do the above steps, and save the images.  
Finally, you'd edit the image profile for the parent, expand the advanced 
options, and add the child as a subimage.

I didn't test this, but I think I listed all of the steps that would be 
needed.  Let us know if you try it and how it works out.


On Friday January 13, 2012 6:58:06 PM Mani Shafa'atDoost wrote:
> Josh,
> I want to make private network among virtual machines in VCL. As far as I
> understood, we can have just two network interfaces on each images. But I
> need to have more interfaces on each virtual machine and also these virtual
> machines have their own network configuration. For example if I have two
> virtual machine, I want to make a red link like what has been shown in
> following picture:
> At last, I wanted to make some images for each user. when user comes to the
> system, he/she will choose those images and then system must load these
> images with network configuration among them.
> What option do I have to make such a configuration?
> Best Regards
> Mani
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:28 AM, Josh Thompson 
> > Mani,
> > 
> > Can you explain what you mean by network restrictions?  VCL doesn't
> > actually
> > do much with network configuration yet, though that is quickly becoming
> > a
> > higher priority.
> > 
> > Under Manage Groups, you can set how many concurrent reservations a user
> > group
> > is allowed to have.  Any users in that group will be able to make the
> > number
> > of concurrent reservations specified for that group.  For users in
> > multiple groups, the maximum value for concurrent reservations of all
> > their groups is
> > used.
> > 
> > Josh
> > 
> > On Wednesday January 11, 2012 4:56:04 PM Mani Shafa'atDoost wrote:
> > > How can you do that?
> > > By the way, it is not a problem here, the problem is the network
> > > restrictions among these VMs.
> > > 
> > > Best Regards
> > > Mani
> > > 
> > > On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Anu Chirinos <> wrote:
> > > >  You can specify how many images each user is allowed to start
> > > > 
> > > > simultaneously.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Anu
> > > > 
> > > > On 1/11/12 4:28 PM, "Mani Shafa'atDoost" <> wrote:
> > > >  Hello everyone,
> > > > 
> > > > I just have a question here about using XML RPC for making a
> > > > network of Virtual Machines. As far as I understood, each user
> > > > can make one reservation at the same time, so I need to make
> > > > some fake users for> 
> > each
> > 
> > > > real user and then this user can use those resources at the same
> > > > time. But the problem here is that I can't make network
> > > > restriction trough the RPC calls. what is the easiest way to
> > > > set up network restrictions in VCL?
> > > > 
> > > > Best Regards
> > > > Mani
Josh Thompson
Systems Programmer
Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

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