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Try issuing the following command to allow the dojo code to be handed out by 
httpd with SELinux enabled:

chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl/dojo


On Friday, May 04, 2012 8:50:47 PM n.johnson10 wrote:
> Thanks for the information.
> I found out that SELinux on CentOS was causing the dojo scripts to not load
> on the pages and after I temporarily disabled SELinux using the 'setenforce
> 0' command everything seems to work.   
> I don't know of a permanent solution to this issue besides disabling
> SELinux.   I also recall an issue with SELinux causing connection issues
> with mysql at the beginning of the VCL installation.
> Here are the commands I used to install dojo (for reference purposes)
> cd ~
> wget http://download.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.6.0/dojo-release-1.6.0.tar.gz
> tar xvf dojo-release-1.6.0.tar.gz
> mv dojo-release-1.6.0 /var/www/html/vcl/dojo
> > Now I am encountering an issue with 2.3...  When I visit a page that
> > uses
> > Dojo it will produce a javascript error " 'Dojo' is undefined. " and
> > cause any scripts on the page to not load.   I installed Dojo Toolkit
> > 1.5.0 to /var/www/html/dojo ..   I noticed when viewing the page source
> > that there is javascript links to files that don't exist...  Eg:
> > vclManageGroups.js ..> 
> >  I have done some searching and I couldn't find anything that would
> >  explain> 
> > why the file is missing.
> The files that don't exist are custom compiled dojo profiles for VCL.  You
> can run without them.  If dojo doesn't find them, it loads everything out
> of the normal install.  Having them greatly reduces the number of dojo
> files that need to be loaded on each page load.
> Dojo is not saved in trunk in our subversion repository.  It is included in
> releases; so, you won't have to worry about anything with dojo when you use
> a release.
> In general, we don't recommend running from trunk unless you are very
> familiar with VCL.  It is never guaranteed to be stable.  Additionally,
> there may be parts of the frontend, backend, and database that are not in
> sync with each other except around release time (which happens to be now).
> Josh
- -- 
- -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

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