On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 10:25:21 -0600
Erich Heine <sophac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> A while back I was discussing the whole VCS-home stuff with a friend, and we
> came to the conclusion that there are some real issues with storing dotfiles
> in a repo.  Things like passwords, or company/machine specific paths,
> internal hosts, etc, can complicate the issue quite a bit. This is
> particularly true of simple programs that use single, flat, text files for
> rcfiles. It is very frustrating when you have a file that is 98% the same
> across hosts, but those differences between the instances are dangerous to
> leak.
> In the programming world, we of course solve this by just putting the
> sensitive values in a different file, and don't keep it under version
> control. This is sort of the origin of the whole config file concept to
> being with :).  Programming languages tho, have the idea of include/import,
> and file reading, and variables, so this becomes easy. This got me thinking:
> what if we could make config files arbitrarily composable?

I like to use separate branches for this.

> I sure would appreciate your thoughts, bugfixes, etc on
> this.

Another problem is some apps try to be clever and update your configs for you.
How do you handle that? Is the Fuse fs mounted ro ?

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