Hello all,

I discovered your (handy) Multi-Repo tool recently and decided to give
it a try an a project where we have 1 package == 1 git repo.

I found a way to get whole source code. Following three commands, will
create following filesystem tree:
mr bootstrap
cd slis_source/
mr checkout

|-- lcs
|   |-- packages
|   |   |-- debian-lcs-keyring
|   |   |-- fail2ban
|   |   |-- lcs-agendas
|   |   |-- lcs-wiki
|   |   `-- lcs-zonep
|   `-- tools
|-- slis
|   |-- packages
|   |   |-- backports
|   |   |-- cd-build
|   |   |-- slis-ups
|   |   |-- slis-virtualization
|   |   `-- slis-vtun
|   `-- tools
`-- slis-slim

I cannot figure why first «mr bootstrap…» command does not automatically
chains checkout. Furthermore, I cannot see any differences using «chain
= true» in "parent-repos":
lcs/.mrconfig contains it, slis/.mrconfig doesn't but every "sub-repo"
is updated in lcs/packages/* and slis/packages/* !

Am i missing something here ? It seems I cannot get how this chain
feature works… Can you please help me here ?

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