I don't know about dvcs-autosync, but have a look at git-annex.

Joey Hess (the g-a author) held an amazingly successful kickstarter to add
Dr*pbox like functionality. Basically he was asking for a month or two's
dev funding & got more than a year...

The assistant (the autosync-) branch has just been merged into master. I
have been using the branch for play & have been very impressed.

I've CCed Joey so he can correct my misinformation...


On 31/08/2012 1:24 AM, "Thomas Koch" <tho...@koch.ro> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just installed and tryied dvcs-autosync 0.5 from Debian. Is anybody
> actively
> using and developing this? I like the idea, but the software still needs a
> lot
> of serious work. Do you think it's worth pushing dvcs-autosync forward or
> are
> there better alternatives/approaches?
> My notes so far so I don't forget them:
> - It should use the namespace dvcs-autosync for folders in .config, .local
> rather then the generic autosync which would also be consistent with the
> package name.
> - It should call logrotate from time to time to clean up old log files
> - Pidfiles should be written somewhere in /tmp. It seems there's no
> standard
> for a /run/ folder for users?!?
> - I don't like writing any XMPP password in a config file.
> - I'd like some way to trigger a git pull since I've not yet set up XMPP.
> Otherwise I need to manually kill the autosync process, git pull and start
> it
> again.
> - dvcs-autosync should properly daemonize by itself instead. There surely
> must
> be python libraries for that?
> Regards,
> Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro
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