On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 7:32 PM, Sitaram Chamarty <sitar...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> That being said, if you switch from branch zsh to branch vim, you will 
>> delete the copies of your zsh config in $HOME.
> Is that a documented feature or an accidental one and might it change in
> future?

This is a fundamental design decision of Git, which is underlying vcsh.
You could merge all your relevant branches into one per local machine,
but that will make committing back your changes rather complicated.

> I was hoping for a way to put everything in one *repo*, and -- one any
> new machine I come to -- I would just pick a bunch of branch names,
> depending on what features that machine/user should have.  A bit more
> convenient (than "mr" or such tools).

vcsh can manage all its repos without the need for mr. If you have two
or more repos, just try

  vcsh pull
  vcsh push
  vcsh status


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