
after upgrading from 1.4.3 to 1.4.5 i am sometimes kicked off
the "live view" with warning

 "VPS-Aufnahme beginnt in Kürze"

I can switch back to channel i want to see, but not for long.

I have 3 FF cards so usually there would be a free card to
get the VPS signal.

After the VPS recording has started, the card seems to be free.

I rember that at 1.4.3 a short discussion occurs.
One said: "That the good way, simply don't use VPS"
the other said: "I have a patch, the only disadvantage:
Your screen will blank for fractions of a second at some/every
start of recording".

Of cause only the second solution would be the least annoying,
but obvioulsy, VDR choose the "non-user-compatible" way? :-(

What do have to do to avoid this annoying card locking in the VPS-margin?

(See below only 2 transponders are involved, the system has 3(!) DVT-S FF 

58:03 : [3595] timer 13 (16 2000-2017 VPS 'A') entered VPS margin
58:04 : [3595] switching to channel 16
58:05 : [3754] channel 1 (Das Erste) event Son 10.02.2008 19:20-20:00 (VPS: 
10.02 19:20) 'Weltspiegel' status 1
58:05 : [3595] info: VPS-Aufnahme beginnt in Kürze!
58:05 : [3754] channel 10 (SWR Fernsehen BW) event Son 10.02.2008 19:58-20:00 
(VPS: 10.02 19:58) 'Baden-Württemberg Wetter' status 4
58:05 : [3754] channel 1 (Das Erste) event Son 10.02.2008 20:00-20:15 (VPS: 
10.02 20:00) 'Tagesschau' status 2
58:07 : [3595] timer 75 (18 2000-2010 VPS 'K') entered VPS margin
58:18 : [3754] channel 12 (hr-fernsehen) event Son 10.02.2008 19:58-20:00 (VPS: 
10.02 19:58) 'hessenschauwetter' status 4
58:20 : [3595] switching to channel 5
58:29 : [3595] switching to channel 16
58:30 : [3595] info: VPS-Aufnahme beginnt in Kürze!
58:52 : [3595] switching to channel 5
58:58 : [3595] switching to channel 15
59:00 : [3595] timer 11 (3 1910-1959 'R') stop
59:01 : [3595] switching to channel 16
59:01 : [3595] info: VPS-Aufnahme beginnt in Kürze!

vdr:/var/lib/vdr# cat timers.conf | grep -n -e "\-S:2000:" -e  "\-S:19"

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