
Am Freitag, 21. November 2008 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> >>
> >> There's a git repository for vdr at http://git.gekrumbel.de/?p=vdr.git
> >> Wouldn't it be appropriate to use it to maintain a working
> >> vdr+s2+h264 source tree ?
> >
> > I'm maintaining that aforementioned git repository. I didn't want to host
> > different versions of VDR in this git repository (except the 'original
> > sources' git).
> Ok, sorry I should have asked you first.

I did setup this git as a kind of seed. It contains the development history 
(in terms of the official releases) of VDR since its beginning. I have the 
hope that the community picks it up and creates something usefull out of it.

> BTW is it used by a lot of people ?

Unfortunately I don't think so. Nobody ever informed me about that he cloned 
it, added some patches and published them somewhere else. I know only of some 
experiments Tobias Grimm did with it.

> >
> > Look at git homepage http://git.or.cz/ for a list of public git hosting
> > providers.
> ok.
> I'm not a h264 or s2api user yet, it would be very nice if some people
> could maintain such a repository.
> It's seem messy to get these patches working and questions about them
> are very recurrent.

I'm no h264 and s2api user either. But helping to reduce this kind of mess was 
one of my motivations to setup the VDR git.


Dieter Hametner                    dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de
live plugin developer              http://live.vdr-developer.org

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