
On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 11:39:05PM +0200, Alex Betis wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 11:10 PM, Artem Makhutov <ar...@makhutov.org> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to setup VDR to receive from 2 different sattelites.
> >
> > Currently I have 3 DVB-S cards in my VDR box, and all are connected
> > to a single dish pointing to astra 19.2E.
> What LNBs do you have on those dishes? If all of them have single output
> LNBs than you're probably causing problem.
> All cards provide voltage/current for LNB to work, so now your LNB gets 3x
> times more current than needed.
> Also, I'm not sure what happen when one card tries to tune on vertical
> transponder, while another will try to tune on horizontal transponder. One
> of them will not succeed for sure.
> > I have installed a second dish pointing to Sirius 4.8E and would like
> > to connect this dish to VDR.
> >
> > Is it possible to connect one of the DVB-S cards directly to the
> > second dish and setup VDR somehow to use this one DVB-S card only
> > to receive channels from Sirius and not trying to use it to tune to
> > Astra channels?
> Don't know. I use Diseqc
> > Later on I would like to install one Diseqc switch, so that one of
> > the cards can switch between the two sattelites. Is this possible
> > with only one Diseqc switch, or must I use 3 Diseqc switches and
> > connect all of my DVB-S cards to the two dishes?
> Normal installation would be to connect your 2 dishes (actually LNBs) to
> diseqc inputs and feed disecq output to your card.
> If you want to have more than 1 card to record multiple programs at the same
> time, you'll need LNBs with multiple outputs where several diseqs should be
> connected to outputs from different LNBs and outputs from every diseqc
> should be connected to different cards.

Thanks for you answer. But I was was actually looking for the Sourcecaps patch.

Best regards, Artem

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