On 19.12.2010 02:46, Oliver Schinagl wrote:
>  I have created a channel.conf from dvbscan and used the built update
> function from VDR.
> All channels seem to be added/modified properly, but the FTA channels
> are different. Instead of modifying my current entry, it created new ones.
> Nederland 
> 1;Digitenne:546000000:C12D12M64B8T8G4Y0:T:27500:0000:0000:0000:0:1101:8720:2214:0
> Nederland 
> 1;Digitenne:546000000:C12D12M64B8T8G4Y0:T:27500:7011:7012:7013:0:1101:8720:2211:0
> Nederland 
> 2;Digitenne:546000000:C12D12M64B8T8G4Y0:T:27500:0000:0000:0000:0:1102:8720:2214:0
> Nederland 
> 2;Digitenne:546000000:C12D12M64B8T8G4Y0:T:27500:7021:7022:7023:0:1102:8720:2211:0
> Nederland 
> 3;Digitenne:546000000:C12D12M64B8T8G4Y0:T:27500:0000:0000:0000:0:1103:8720:2214:0
> Nederland 
> 3;Digitenne:546000000:C12D12M64B8T8G4Y0:T:27500:7031:7032:7033:0:1103:8720:2211:0
> I took the liberty of expanding the VID, AID and TID from 0 to 0000 so
> they'd align better in this e-mail only.
> All entries work however! Which baffles me. How can something without
> vid/aid work at all? Also, it seems that the 'proper' entry doesn't
> display EPG data at all. Ironically, the scrambled channels all seem to
> work just fine. Any clues on this?

The channels with zero PIDs have a TID (Transport stream ID) of 2214, ehile
those with actual PIDs have 2211. Only one of these can be right, I guess.


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