> > What is cPlayer? As cTransfer implements both cReceiver and cTransfer
> Typo? It should read "cTransfer implements both cReceiver and *cPlayer*":

Yes, a typo. I shouldn't write mails at that time :)

> cPlayer sends data to the cDevice - what's not to understand here?

I thought about cDevice as input devices only. After reading PLUGINS.html and 
Udo's mail I understand that a cDevice also represents output devices (or both 
at the same time when using FF cards).

> Use the source, Luke! ;-)

Although I'm doing software development for about 10 years I must admin that I 
very rarely came in contact with C++ code. I can read and write it, but it 
takes longer for me to get an overview as, let's say, in Java code. For 
example I had never before to deal with multiple inheritance (besides of 
Interfaces). But I'm doing my best :-)

> You might also want to take a look at PLUGINS.html, especially the sections
> on "Players", "Receivers" and "Devices"

Thanks for the hint, I assumed that there must be further documentation, but 
somehow I missed this file.


Viele Grüße,


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