I intended to say: "if a NID-TID-SID is passed to it"

On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:33:08 +0200
Ludi <ludi...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Henning, 
> First of all, thanks again for creating and continuing to offer such a
> service as the channelpedia. 
> Could you please tell us whether the channelpedia already provides an
> interface that an application can use to retrieve the uniqueID if a is
> passed to it? I can easily imagine plugins like the xmltv2vdr plugin
> sending requests to the channelpedia to match epg and channels. 
> Cheers, 
> Francesco 
> On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 08:47:20 +0200 Henning Pingel
> <henn...@henningpingel.de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > As some of you might already know, I'm working on a way to 
> > semi-automatically assign unique channel IDs to channels of
> > different DVB providers. As I currently don't have time to explain
> > it in detail today, I will just post some links and join this
> > discussion later on when I have more time to sit down and explain
> > stuff. ;-)
> > 
> > The whole thing is based on Channelpedia, a sub-project of the
> > yaVDR distribution. It is a web-based channel string directory that
> > can contain channels from different DVB providers and DVB types. It
> > stores all data centrally in a SQLITE database. This makes it easy
> > to work with the data and generate lookup tables for VDR core or
> > plugins.
> > 
> > Demos:
> > <http://channelpedia.yavdr.com/gen/de_uniqueIDs2.html>
> > <http://channelpedia.yavdr.com/gen/de_uniqueIDs.html> (JSON files 
> > available for auto-assignment)
> > 
> > German language thread: 
> > <http://www.vdr-portal.de/board1-news/board2-vdr-news/111607-announce-entwurf-channelpedia-generiert-automatisch-unique-kanal-ids/>
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Henning
> > 
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