I don't mess with this enough to remember the steps for making the dumps, but making it crash is as easy as telling it to scan for channels. So if you want to put up the steps to get the data... :)

I'm using Debian x64 and I use putty/winscp to work with it.

On 8/28/2012 1:11 PM, Dominic Evans wrote:
On 28 Aug 2012, at 20:58, "Timothy D. Lenz" <tl...@vorgon.com> wrote:

The crashing problem would be better address by making it part of VDR. I am 
trying to make scripts to use Schedules Direct because even if VDR was picking 
up what the broadcasters send, the broadcasters themselves are unreliable and 
half assed at sending eit. But if the seg fault when trying to scan for new 
channels where fixed, that would help.

Do you have a core file from when it segfaulted in the past? Or, can
you reproduce it and capture one?

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