
I forgot to mention that I use "busybox" (no bash)
Fixed, by patching protocolext.c

--- protocolext.c_orig  2013-04-01 03:20:00.000000000 +0200
+++ protocolext.c       2013-12-24 16:28:51.425960222 +0100
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "protocolext.h"
 #ifndef EXTSHELL
-#define EXTSHELL "/bin/bash"
+#define EXTSHELL "/bin/busybox"

Happy birthday :)


Le mardi 24 décembre 2013
Ian_and_joanna <ian_and_joa...@talktalk.net> a écrit:

> Hi,
> In Brief
> Have you checked file permissions?
> Detail
> The first example you quote that works is the way iptvstream.sh
> should be called I think (so that parameters can be passed to the
> script).
> The first thing I'd check are the file permissions on iptvstream.sh
> (i.e. the output from
> ls -l /etc/vdr/iptvstream.sh
> ) and that they allow the user running vdr to execute the script.
> In general I hesitate in modifying the source until I have ruled out
> other possibilities as I imagine an error of this nature in the
> source would have been picked up by others sooner (unless it is a
> very recent change).
> In closing
> First step check file permissions on the shell script.
> Regards,
> Ian.
> Sent from my mobile phone.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Zouhair <info...@gmail.com> 
> Date: 2013/12/23  22:43  (GMT+00:00) 
> To: VDR Mailing List <vdr@linuxtv.org> 
> Subject: [vdr] vdr-iptv "sh -c" iptvstream.sh issue 
> Hi,
> the external script iptvstream.sh not execute from iptv plugins ?
> I get: "ERROR: Script execution failed: /etc/vdr/iptvstream.sh 1 4321"
> after looking at the source code "protocolext.c"
> ------
> // Create a new session for a process group
>      ERROR_IF_RET(setsid() == -1, "setsid()", _exit(-1));
>      if (execl(EXTSHELL, "sh", "-c", *cmd, (char *)NULL) == -1) {
>         error("Script execution failed: %s", *cmd);
>         _exit(-1);
> ...
> I tried to execute it in the same way:
> sh -c /etc/vdr/iptvstream.sh 1 4321
> not work. (the shell exit with no execution)
> I try with the cote (like):
> sh -c "/etc/vdr/iptvstream.sh 1 4321"
> or,
> sh /etc/vdr/iptvstream.sh 1 4321
> and, work fine.
> Should add cote or remove "-c" in source code to fix this ?
> Or any other solution ?
> Using: vdr-iptv-2.0.0 and VDR 2.0.2
> Thanks.
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