I tried to cancel a queued job via the java GUI and could not.
So, I went to the command line but I still could not kill it.
Any other suggestions?

# bpdbjobs -report -jobid 19536
 JobID  State Stat           Client           Policy         Schedule        
Started          Ended
 19536 Queued              mickey        18.00_sun    18.00_sun_inc 02/27/06 

# bpdbjobs -cancel 19536
Canceling 1 jobs

# bpdbjobs -report -jobid 19536
 JobID  State Stat           Client           Policy         Schedule        
Started          Ended
 19536 Queued              mickey        18.00_sun    18.00_sun_inc 02/27/06 

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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