Well one way would be:

echo "" | mail -s "$(/bin/hostname | cut -f1 -d'.'): 
$(/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -all -hoursago 24 | grep 
"successfully wrote backup id" | awk '{Kbytes= Kbytes + $18/1024/1024} END 
{print "Backed up",Kbytes,"Gigabytes"}') For ($yesterday - $today)"

Grep for the appropriate policies/clients.

Second way, modify the perl script "bpreport.pl" which you can find on the 
archives of this list, does some cool things as well.

Ultimately though, if you don't use one of those two, if you kept the job 
information in the activity monitor and each job was a full backup, you 
could just run bpdbjobs and grab the size of the last backup, grepping for 

No real easy way to accomplish this apparently.

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006, Steven L. Sesar wrote:

> I'm going through a sizing exercise right now and need to determine how
> much data each full backup represents. Before re-inventing the wheel,
> does anyone have any quick and dirty ways of accomplishing this?
> Thanks,
> Steve
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