The problem is, and I probably wasn't clear about this in my original 
post, is that I need *unique* full backups. Some of our backup policies, 
ie Oracle and Exchange, contain only full backup schedules. Something 
like this will result in *all* fulls taken during a given time period.

Thanks for all of your responses!

King, Cheryl wrote:

>I use bpimagelist and change the parms depending on what I need.  You
>can do it by type, full incremental, policy etc.  Change the dates and
>times for your window of course.
>/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -l -st FULL -d 1l/25/05
>21:00:00 -e 11/28/05 08:00:00 | grep IMAGE | awk '{ tot+=$19} END {
>printf "Backed up %9.0f KiloBytes in the last FULL backup\n",tot }'
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven
>L. Sesar
>Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:02 AM
>To: NetBackup Veritas
>Subject: [Veritas-bu] determining size of last full backup of each
>I'm going through a sizing exercise right now and need to determine how 
>much data each full backup represents. Before re-inventing the wheel, 
>does anyone have any quick and dirty ways of accomplishing this?
>Veritas-bu maillist  -

Veritas-bu maillist  -

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