First, if this is one of the class of "I do not appear to have a reply
to any emails I have sent for the past 2 weeks :-(" emails, then, FYI, I
haven't seen any of them so perhaps you really have had an outbound mail

> > Quick question; I am attempting to reduce the amount of 
> > volume pools that are in use for each policy we have.
> > I want to group them together, but one thing I noticed is
> > that they have different retentions.
> > 
> > I used to think that was a big "no no", but could someone
> > advise if this is an issue in 5.1 MP5. I know the default
> > is turned off.
> > 
> > The aim of the excercise is to try to use the smallest 
> > number of pools possible, and maximize the amount of data
> > into the tapes, so they get full. I kind of would like to
> > fill the tapes as much as poss

It's not at all clear to me what you are proposing.  If it's using
"allow_multiple_retentions_per_media", then, yes, you would no longer
have, say, a separate tape from pool X with 2-week retention daily
incremental data and another pool X with three-month retention weekly
fulls and another with one-year-retention monthly fulls--they could all
be on the same tape if that tape were available when those backups ran.
But unless you have a toy robot that only holds five tapes, this is
usually a really bad idea.  "Why" is left as an exercise for the reader.

The minimum number of pools to use is one, and that, IMO, should be your
(impractical) goal.  Use NetBackup, or name it after your datacenter or
your cat, but only use additional pools if there's a good technical
reason to.  A Unix pool and a Windows pool is not a good technical
reason.  "onsite" and "offsite" to ensure, for example, that an
inline-tape-copy will produce separated data so that one tape can be
sent away, is.

Don't forget that multiple media servers don't write to each others'
tapes (except in 6.5, if you choose the option to allow it).

Veritas-bu maillist  -

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