Hi Guys


I have quite an interesting one here


NetBackup 6.5.5 - windows 2003 Master

NetBackup 6.5.5 Windows 2003 Media Server behind a firewall backing
itself up

All comms going through vnetd


I am using a file list such as:




I am doing this so that I can pull the data of the disk using multiple
streams so that I can keep a decent data flow to an LTO4 drive.

Else certain directories containing small file just slow the entire
backup volume down


The first backup run used the wildcard and detected each subdirectory
and ran a separate stream.

When new sub directories are added they are not detected by the wildcard
discovery - the directories which existed at the time the first back ran
are the only ones which jobs are created for.


If I create a new policy and specify E:\Folder1\* - NetBackup will then
detect all the subdirectories and kick off a job for each one.

Its almost as if the file list is being cached somewhere and not being
rediscovered for each scheduled backup.


Any thoughts or similar experiences?

I am sure I have actually seen this will earlier versions of NetBackup -
going back to NB5



Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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