
I see your point. Which is faster, transferring the data between two
separate file systems (i.e. over FC, ~210MB/s), or moving stuff within
the same disk group? I'd imagine that moving data from a LUN to another
will require the same I/O regardless of the method used.

Of course the "no user impact" sounds quite tempting.


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: jueves, 12 de abril de 2007 14:49
To: Jarkko Airaksinen
Subject: Re: [Veritas-vx] resizing a device

Jarkko Airaksinen wrote:
> Summary!
> In case someone else is fighting with the same problems I thought I'd
> share my conclusion with you.
> I've decided not to resize the LUNS / file systems at all as Solaris 8
> is quite restrictive with LUN resizing. I've overcome the need for
> resizing them with a bit of thinking.
> Given the variables (Sol8, EVA, VVM5, Oracle9i, Tape / EVA backups and
> most importantly, our needs) I've come to a conclusion that:
> 1. If we need more space for the growing data I'll just create another
> file systems to their own groups, for example DATA01 and DATA02 to
> data01dg and data02dg etc. Also for some reason distributing data /
> / redo files to separate file systems a bit improves the performance
> our application.
> 2. With the practice mentioned above I only need to resize (shrink) a
> disk when the data doesn't grow anymore and this happens only once a
> year when the year is closed. I can do this by calculating the space
> needed for the data and creating a new file system for it, move the
> on the new disk and destroy the old one.
Wouldn't it be easier just to allocate the new disks/luns (as needed) 
and just move and resize the volume on the new space? There's really no 
need to create a new filesystem as long as you have the unused space 
someplace. You can do moves on the fly within the same diskgroup without

anyone being the wiser and with no user impact.

> As simple as that. No need to fiddle with temporary disks and the
> one-lun-per-diskgroup is safe (no concat file systems). The only
> point of failure is the SAN and with its three-level internal data
> protection the only reasonable threat is the complete destruction of


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