I won't say it couldn't be a useful feature, but I think the different nature of Versions makes this less of an issue. Since TortoiseSVN is primarily a context-menu-based tool, it makes sense to eliminate lots of file system "yo-yo" browsing. Since versions is an application, I find the easiest way to add as-yet unversioned contents of a directory is to toggle from "All" to "Changed". Anything that hasn't yet been added will show up with a question mark. (This works best if any modified resources have already been committed.) I do realize this involves command-clicking each entry and clicking Add, but it's a lot less work than filesystem browsing. Also, when adding files/ directories, I tend to err on the side of caution — I don't generally add everything that hasn't been yet, but instead specifically add what I want to add. Maybe that's different than your workflow, so the feature could still be more useful to you than to me.

 - Quinn

On Mar 30, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Steven Sacks wrote:

One of the greatest features in TortoiseSVN on Windows is the ability
to choose "Add" on a folder that already exists in the repository
which will dig down and find any files or folders that are not under
version control and add them for you.  This is a HUGE timesaver,
especially if you have added a bunch of folders and files in various
subfolders.  You can just hit the top level and click Add and it will
find and add any subfolders and files that have not been added.
Digging down yourself manually takes a lot of time.

Please consider adding this extremely useful feature.

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