Actually, probably not. Xcode is "SVN-aware", so it doesn't clobber the .xcodeproj directory at all, only update the files therein. The only file in that bundle that I store in the repository is project.pbxproj — any other file starts with a username and is specific to that user, and should usually be excluded. (Such files frequently change, have no bearing on the actual project, and tend to crud up the repository and commits with irrelevant files and changes.)

What specific problem is being reported? What are the filenames that are claimed to already exist, and do they in fact exist?

 - Quinn

On Jun 4, 2009, at 2:22 AM, Robin Charlton wrote:

I suspect this explains the weird problems I've experienced with XCode project files (which are also bundles). Versions (or rather SVN) often doesn't recognise them as being in the repository and/or complains that 'they already exist' when trying to submit.
Robin | | twitter: robincharlton

2009/5/22 Quinn Taylor <>
This is a common problem with bundle directories, and one that is still unsolved (at least, in the ideal way) for Subversion. The workaround is to archive the app bundle in a ZIP or similar file and store that in the repository, unfortunate as that is. However, storing app executables in Subversion is generally not the best idea. If you can build it from source, any revision is sufficient to reconstruct the binary at any point in time. This may not fit every scenario, but it's a good rule of thumb.

 - Quinn

On May 20, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Larry G wrote:

I'm developing Mac applications using Zinc and Flash. When I'm done it
produces a .app file that can be run in OSX. Versions shows .app files
as folders and after committing will drop .svn folders within the .app
file. Now I understand that .app files is just a packaged folder and
that any folder/file with the extension .app will be treated as an
application in OSX.

So the problem that I have happens after my file has been
committed to my repository. I do another build and compile a new file which overwrites the one that was committed (thus
deleting all .svn files contained within the file). Then
Versions shows an error with the new file and will not
commit because of the missing .svn files. I get the following message:

'/Users/larry.gordon/dev/projects/trunk/bin/' is not a
working copy
Can't open file '/Users/larry.gordon/dev/projects/trunk/bin/': No such file or directory

How can I continue to update my file and also keep it
backed up in the repository?

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