On Jan 19, 2011, at 2:38 PM, Jorde Vorstenbosch wrote:

> As much of an annoyance as that might be I highly doubt it will be
> perennial. Even Apple doesn't take that long..

By "perennial" I meant every time an app's version gets bumped. I'm hopeful 
that in the future, the Mac App Store will be able to reliably detect.

> Regardless they might not even have plans for releasing versions in the
> mac app store. Nothing to fret about at this point.

I'm not fretting, just trying to clarify the perception of the problem. :-)

> Have you been using the mac app store btw? I wasn't able to find any
> apps that I didn't already own or that I wanted. Hope some more
> interesting ones get added.

Haven't had time to look around much. However, many of my friends have been 
very happy with the selection, which will certainly grow over time.

 - Quinn

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