And here's a version of the patch with the debugging prints removed...

-- BKS

On Wed, January 12, 2011 13:10, Benjamin K. Stuhl wrote:
> Hi all,
>   Here's a patch which enhances the Key widget to do proper layout when
> the key texts are longer than one line. The layout system tries to keep
> the overall box as small as possible while still using as many columns
> as the user requested. (IOW, it will stretch out the layout to fill the
> last N columns even if everything could be fit into fewer. This is
> important if, say, you have 4 items and you want 4 columns, even though
> one of the items is two lines tall and so all four items would fit into
> a 2x3 layout...) I also added a setting to control whether the key
> symbol is aligned to the first line of the text, the center, or the last
> line of the text.
> The patch passes some manual torture testing, including a few pathological
> orderings that I could think up. I've attached a sample file which shows
> the new layout abilities.
> I've attached the patch, since I don't trust my webmail to not mangle it.
> Regards,
> -- BKS

Attachment: veusz-multiline-key-texts.patch
Description: Binary data

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