Hi - I thought I'd collect some future development ideas and get some feedback over the priority.

If you're interested in implementing a particular feature yourself, please let me know and I can provide guidance. Some features might only require knowledge of python/numpy, some also PyQt.

1. Internationalisation of user interface - some trickiness. Find all "English" strings in the program, mark as translatable. May require some work where the program uses the same string for internal marking and for user display, to split out the string. Need to choose the method for doing internationalisation - Qt or gettext - pros and cons of each. There's also some horrible html to clean up in the dialogs before this. Have to be careful that internationalised strings don't end up in the document.

2. Data imports - possible formats
- HDF, JSON, XML, VO-table, Origin, IDL, XLS, OpenOffice, ..., any more common ones?
 - Improve existing import filters?
 - Some sort of data import wizard like openoffice

Extra formats could be fairly easy if implemented as plugin. Fancier UI requires plugin interface improvement or full import.

3. More widgets (medium to hard)
 - Projections of spherical data, aitoff, etc., useful for maps, etc.
 - More specialised widgets?
   - pie

4. Improvements of widgets (easy to hard)
 - Log polar, colored points for polar, ternary...

5. Communication with other programs
 - D-Bus - I'm examining this currently
 - SAMP - for virtual observatory
 - anything else? - maybe whatever is used for embedding in widnows
 - C/C++/Fortran/Perl external API?
 - Better clipboard support

6. Improve LaTeX support

7. Improve data editing
 - spreadsheet mode to examine multiple datasets
 - select multiple datasets in dataset browser

8. Useful new plugins - easy to medium - please write or suggest some
 - FFT, smoothing, binning, filtering...

9. Expand existing plugins to work properly on dates, 2D, etc. (easy to medium)

10. New dataset types, such as bundled 1D datasets. Probably hard.

11. Speed improvements.

12. User interface improvements.

Any further items?


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