Hi everybody,

I am using Veusz to visualize the results of my experiments for quite some time now. Yesterday I processed the latest experimental data and I had to take out a few data samples because of inconsistency compared to the rest of the samples. I did that by replacing the specific data with "nan" in the .csv. Veusz is able to read "nan" entries and simply continues with the subsequent data points. However, Veusz leaves a gap when visualizing those data points (marker + plot line) and the curve I get is pretty hashed/chopped. What I would like to see is that Veusz leaves the marker out (so you can see that there is a data point missing) but continues the plot line to bridge the gap because the trend of the curve is obvious. Do you know whether Veusz is able to do that (I couldn't find anything) or do you know some kind of workaround?

Best regards
Simon Kleinknecht

Veusz-discuss mailing list

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