On 12/17/2013 12:46 PM, Jeremy Sanders wrote:

It probably won't be hard to support compound data types in my import
filter - I can treat them similarly to groups. I didn't find any example
files which used them, so I haven't bothered so far. I need to make the
code which walks the file understand that the V datatype has different

Ok, I have now a largely complete HDF import. It supports tables (compound data types), groups, importing as dates, 2d data with x/y ranges, slicing before importing and error bars (using 1d or 2d datasets). Most of these options can be set in the UI or as HDF attributes. I've also updated the manual source.

It hasn't had much testing, so if you have HDF5 files, please try it out from the import_improvements branch. I should add some self tests.


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