Hi !

Thank you very much, Jeremy for fixing the setup.py error.
Now I am able to compare your solution and mine.

Here you see two Screenshots
At first Jeremys HDF5-import utilizing h5py. Lets call it J_HDF5

Second my hdf5 import utilizing pytables. Lets call it V_HDF5

The main difference seems to me that J_HDF5 is not usable for tabular HDF5 data.
On the other hand is V_HDF5 at the moment not capable to deal with
with plain hdf5-data (aka n-dim fields of floats for instance).

A superposition of both approaches seems to lead to the best of two worlds.
But these two antipodes (plain n-dim fields vs. tabular data) are only the tip
of iceberg of the whole problem.  HDF5 is not only a very flexible data format 
is more or less a file system with tabular data where each tabular may consist 
sub tabulars in different dimensionality.

This complexity will never be met by a single magical HDF5 import dialog.
Therefore the V_HDF5 solution is not only a HDF5 import dialog. It is based
on a new interface layer that  forms a new VEUSZ-API for writing complex custom
import dialogs for VEUSZ, easily.

At the moment writing COMPLEX import dialogs requires to fiddle in a handful
of VEUSZ-Core libraries. The new V_HDF5 interterface layer organizes new complex
import dialogs as truly separate code only coupled to the VEUSZ-Core by import
statements from the API.

IF it may be possible to integrate such an interface layer upstream and 
a clean and simple API for complex import dialogs - THEN it will be possible to 
a broad variety of HDF5 import dialogs for HDF5-Files of different structure and
different usecases (Prefiltering, Preselection, Import templates...).

This work requires many changes on the VEUSZ core but a running prototype is
already available and the existing dialogs are already ported (in an older 
VEUSZ version!) to
the new interface architecture. I will support Jeremy wherever I can to bring
this solution upstream.

A second point has to be considered and this is HDF5 export. The huge graphical
software package "mathlab" has thrown away its proprietary data-format and uses 
Adopting this strategy to VEUSZ should therefore be possible, also.
But I suspect that there are far more changes at the VEUSZ core needed to 
achieve this
than for the HDF5 import with the new interface layer. Also backward 
issues have to be dealt with and so on. There is lots of discussion needed how 
structural possibilities HDF5 offers are used best for VEUSZ-Save-Files.



   inqbus  it-consulting       Dr.  Volker Jaenisch
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